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9CC8DBB2-25FD-4AC0-B780-E23A9036653B805BCF6D-9C6A-47E9-A67F-72FE50AAB5A8006DDD90-E443-48C0-835D-7AC0BF8505628752B647-6E19-4C5E-8C2C-78B530E67C14E00B16D6-4D7E-4630-A89E-19AB0FD1CA201F5C7796-3F1E-43F1-9CCD-219DB376BC50F9A0B6D6-0CF4-42BE-BDC6-AD6623C6827DOur Speedster on display along with at least two other Speedster Replicas at tonights ‘Porsche Monterey Classic Partner Party.’ Huge turnout,  nice start to the week. Tomorrow ‘Concours on the Avenue’ where 18 blocks of Ocean Street in Carmel-by-the-Sea’ are closed down for  American & foreign classic collector cars for a free show!


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  • 9CC8DBB2-25FD-4AC0-B780-E23A9036653B
  • 805BCF6D-9C6A-47E9-A67F-72FE50AAB5A8
  • 006DDD90-E443-48C0-835D-7AC0BF850562
  • 8752B647-6E19-4C5E-8C2C-78B530E67C14
  • E00B16D6-4D7E-4630-A89E-19AB0FD1CA20
  • 1F5C7796-3F1E-43F1-9CCD-219DB376BC50
  • F9A0B6D6-0CF4-42BE-BDC6-AD6623C6827D
Videos (1)
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F8AE6E26-CF0B-49E3-BC66-163321EA837B50D24027-66E1-4FD4-894B-F7987764472A7C38B931-467D-44C7-B905-CAF65A89FECE9204CE2C-F267-4385-A50C-E561EA178FF0EF286B7A-D1EF-4FFB-AFBA-7A9BBD149CF83D9C8453-6A75-42F0-9FDF-78CF493463AF49E4FD25-86AC-45D9-B57B-6C948D681AA7851665C8-C0ED-4981-B796-4FBCBB7CAB8F69A756BD-7340-42AB-95D2-BC091AA21D7C253FAF3E-05C0-4F36-BE5E-5C91E264B7EFF082043F-95D0-46FE-8A3C-5D225AD6FD56F1D7A042-65BD-4A36-B880-2B16F50833FFF41BE952-6161-4354-A0BA-E0E409C85C67506CCFDE-D6EC-4D45-9E8D-11999BC642E210B74777-45FE-4208-9505-5380C94413BD38FCB8FE-A1AC-43ED-8B73-239E2E314395DFAE7A65-AC65-48B7-B87C-FE8C2FA193259CA8F14C-84F9-414B-962A-556F5B60F0FD349F530C-8F41-4024-AF39-C25C6F98FAAFE134432C-AD70-42BB-8E91-74BD5AA641CD76ECFA6D-8176-4E87-AF8B-4669F08647E17CCDDDF2-3A36-4FD4-B3FF-2AAEE40EAC490E9D3A3F-803B-49B2-956C-50993D62D3CE411C8765-3C44-4227-9A52-D41882FF202BCarmel-by-the-Sea Concours on the Avenue,
Tues Aug 13, 2019. I think I took pictures of most of the 356’s. And there are so many other neat cars here I just couldn’t post all the photos so here’s a sampling.  Wayne Carini from the TV show “Chasing Cars” was very gracious in allowing everybody to get pictures with him.  The Concours was so crowded that it was hard to take photos of cars without somebody in the way.


Images (24)
  • F8AE6E26-CF0B-49E3-BC66-163321EA837B
  • 50D24027-66E1-4FD4-894B-F7987764472A
  • 7C38B931-467D-44C7-B905-CAF65A89FECE
  • 9204CE2C-F267-4385-A50C-E561EA178FF0
  • EF286B7A-D1EF-4FFB-AFBA-7A9BBD149CF8
  • 3D9C8453-6A75-42F0-9FDF-78CF493463AF
  • 49E4FD25-86AC-45D9-B57B-6C948D681AA7
  • 851665C8-C0ED-4981-B796-4FBCBB7CAB8F
  • 69A756BD-7340-42AB-95D2-BC091AA21D7C
  • 253FAF3E-05C0-4F36-BE5E-5C91E264B7EF
  • F082043F-95D0-46FE-8A3C-5D225AD6FD56
  • F1D7A042-65BD-4A36-B880-2B16F50833FF
  • F41BE952-6161-4354-A0BA-E0E409C85C67
  • 506CCFDE-D6EC-4D45-9E8D-11999BC642E2
  • 10B74777-45FE-4208-9505-5380C94413BD
  • 38FCB8FE-A1AC-43ED-8B73-239E2E314395
  • DFAE7A65-AC65-48B7-B87C-FE8C2FA19325
  • 9CA8F14C-84F9-414B-962A-556F5B60F0FD
  • 349F530C-8F41-4024-AF39-C25C6F98FAAF
  • E134432C-AD70-42BB-8E91-74BD5AA641CD
  • 76ECFA6D-8176-4E87-AF8B-4669F08647E1
  • 7CCDDDF2-3A36-4FD4-B3FF-2AAEE40EAC49
  • 0E9D3A3F-803B-49B2-956C-50993D62D3CE
  • 411C8765-3C44-4227-9A52-D41882FF202B
Last edited by IndianBob

23108535-2FA0-47F3-80C7-7A72AA780261 On a little road trip from Monterey to Big Sur today we met a guy from Germany whose brother works at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart Germany. He confirmed that Porsche #1 is on display in the museum except when it’s on tour when a replica of #1 is in its place, and not only that, sometimes even the replica of #1 goes on tour when the original #1 is in the museum. When I told him mine was a replica he was pleasantly surprised because he thought it was real. He’s the one that took this picture of my wife and I. 


Images (1)
  • 23108535-2FA0-47F3-80C7-7A72AA780261: Cabrillo Hwy 1

787A5632-C51D-4ECC-B139-76739EDB33E5DDB44549-31D8-43F0-BF95-22FA7A820893C09D8377-E58E-4295-9ACF-F3C298DAF18F07301AC6-099D-4A7C-959A-5E838E98A222D62374F2-808B-44D3-97B7-2E7C475AC4018F28385E-DDAF-4170-870F-73B5565D44109932E13D-EEF6-4B72-BF16-C328730478E7Sunday of Monterey Car Week my wife & I attended the Concours de Elegance on the 18th green at Pebble Beach Golf Links where they had 215 cars from all over the world showing. I took pictures of everyone of them but, of course, since this is Porsche Speedster related site, I’ll show you the only Porsche in the show  which just happened to win 1st place in Postwar Sports Class-01. It was a <> 1960 Porsche Carrera Abarth GTL. It was built on a 356 platform but 5” shorter & 5” narrower. It beat out the following cars:  <> 1950 Talbot-Lago Grand Sport; <> 1952 SAITA 208S Motto Spyder; <> 1954 SAITA  200CS Balbo Coupe’; <> 1956 Alfa Romeo 1900 CSS Touring Coupe’; <> 1956 Maserati 200SI Fantuzzi Sports Racer; & <> 1966 Ford GT40 Lightweight Coupe.


Images (7)
  • DDB44549-31D8-43F0-BF95-22FA7A820893
  • C09D8377-E58E-4295-9ACF-F3C298DAF18F
  • 07301AC6-099D-4A7C-959A-5E838E98A222
  • D62374F2-808B-44D3-97B7-2E7C475AC401
  • 8F28385E-DDAF-4170-870F-73B5565D4410
  • 9932E13D-EEF6-4B72-BF16-C328730478E7
  • 787A5632-C51D-4ECC-B139-76739EDB33E5
Last edited by IndianBob

  No, this is not a Ferrari video but a TV capture video of the winning Porsche 356 and my scary & funny story about this 1st Place winning Porsche Abarth.  I was trying to take a picture of the interior by holding my iPhone with one hand against the window on the passenger side, when I dropped my phone and it hit the top edge of the door and fell to the grass, and when I reached down to pick up my phone real quick, hoping nobody saw me, my 35mm camera  on a strap around my neck with a lens shade on it bumped the side of the door when I bent down. Wouldn’t you know that the owner of the car was standing right behind me and, of course, let me know how he was very unhappy with what had happened!  I can’t imagine how unhappy he would’ve been had I scratched the car! 

I’m not going to post anymore on this Highlights of Car Week thread because I’m still having nightmares about could’ve happened!😵


Videos (1)
Last edited by IndianBob
IndianBob posted:

  No, this is not a Ferrari video but a TV capture video of the winning Porsche 356 and my scary & funny story about this 1st Place winning Porsche Abarth.  I was trying to take a picture of the interior by holding my iPhone with one hand against the window on the passenger side, when I dropped my phone and it hit the top edge of the door and fell to the grass, and when I reached down to pick up my phone real quick, hoping nobody saw me, my 35mm camera  on a strap around my neck with a lens shade on it bumped the side of the door when I bent down. Wouldn’t you know that the owner of the car was standing right behind me and, of course, let me know how he was very unhappy with what had happened!  I can’t imagine how unhappy he would’ve been had I scratched the car! 

I’m not going to post anymore on this Highlights of Car Week thread because I’m still having nightmares about could’ve happened!😵

Ruh ro!!

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