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Not too long ago, quite a bit of information was written about oil filter charachteristics, Microns, burst pressure etc etc.   

My recommendation has always been the WIX 51515R filter and, I still like that filter although some of you are worried that it only filters down to 61 microns.   My concers didn't deal with the microns but the burst pressure as VW's and some Subaru engines can produce 80 to 90 PSI on cold start up.     


I spent about an hour on the phone with my contact at WIX and learned that the WIX 51622 and the NAPA 1622 may be an alternate filter to use if you're using a full size oil filter.    


The problem is the filter is expensive ($19.95) at least it is from my NAPA dealer.    

Here's the information on this filter.  

 Originally it was designed as a Ford High Performance oil filter by WIX   After developing the 51515R the 51622 was re-named as a Transmission Filter.   My contact assured me that it's compatible with engine oil and hasn't changed since it was developed as a Ford High Performance oil filter.   It has just been "re-named" and now used for a different purpose.


It's burst pressure is the same as the 51515R (500 PSI) and it filters down to 28 microns vs the 51515R's 61 microns.     

Some of you will offer up that the 51515 filters down to 21 microns however, the burst pressure on that filter is only 290 PSI.


So, if money isn't an issue then the 51622 WIX or 1622 NAPA may be the oil filter of your choice.

Larry Jowdy

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Larry--that was  "keeper" and a copy went into my resource file.---same as most of what yopu post for us!



I have been using the Mann 021 115 351A and have a good stock of them but I know nothing about PSI and micron ratings for that filter.   If you know, is my Mann anywhere close to the specs of the WIX 51622?


Thanks for all you do to help here!


Further clarification..   None of your engine oil pumps will produce 500 PSI or for that matter 290 PSI but they may produce 80 to 100 PSI.   


The problem isn't the cannister burst pressure of 290 or 500 psi. The problem is the rubber seal. Both the 51515R and the 51622 have a reinforced seal that prevents oil from escaping under pressure. In the early 70's when the WIX 51515R wasn't around I used a Fram HP1 on my modified VW engine because if I used a Fram Ph8A it would blow oil from the rubber seal. The HP1 had and still has a reinforced seal but the filtering element is junk.


I just went through the ordeal of having to find this filter after talking to Carey Hines about this.


Carey filled me in on the differences in the regular 51515 and the "R" version (apparently the R is much better). I was able to find it at Summit Racing online -- I bought 5 (to avoid the last minute frenzy of trying to find one locally) for $9.97 each.


I'm with Jack -- I keep everything you and Carey post -- pure GOLD!



Originally Posted by russtri:

Would like to convert mine to an exterior oil filter.  How hard to do and what is the cost involved.


Thanks Russ

Do you currently have an external oil cooler? If so easy - as it can be plumbed into the same feed line.  Filter base, bracket, oil line, clamps, filter about $50. Can also add bypass thermostat - cooler doesn't currently have.  If just stock engine then easiest way is to add a CB 1792 Maxi pump 2 with filter for $60.  I can interfere with some exhausts.


The proper way is to tap the engine case for full flow but it requires an engine tear down.

Last edited by WOLFGANG

Wolfgang- I have heard of people modifiying the case for a full flow fitting with the motor still installed in the car; put grease in the flutes of the tap to catch the chips (you may have to clean it a couple times and regrease before you're finished). I've also read about someone putting an air pressure fitting in the oil cap to positively pressurize the motor and blow the chips out. A certain type 4 guru tested the filter pump assemblies and found the small passages (1/4") in the cover couldn't handle the amount coming out of the pump above about 6,000rpm, so for higher rpm use the cover needs to modified (I don't know offhand if it can be done) or the case needs to be drilled/tapped and the regular full flow set up used.

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