Not too long ago, quite a bit of information was written about oil filter charachteristics, Microns, burst pressure etc etc.
My recommendation has always been the WIX 51515R filter and, I still like that filter although some of you are worried that it only filters down to 61 microns. My concers didn't deal with the microns but the burst pressure as VW's and some Subaru engines can produce 80 to 90 PSI on cold start up.
I spent about an hour on the phone with my contact at WIX and learned that the WIX 51622 and the NAPA 1622 may be an alternate filter to use if you're using a full size oil filter.
The problem is the filter is expensive ($19.95) at least it is from my NAPA dealer.
Here's the information on this filter.
Originally it was designed as a Ford High Performance oil filter by WIX After developing the 51515R the 51622 was re-named as a Transmission Filter. My contact assured me that it's compatible with engine oil and hasn't changed since it was developed as a Ford High Performance oil filter. It has just been "re-named" and now used for a different purpose.
It's burst pressure is the same as the 51515R (500 PSI) and it filters down to 28 microns vs the 51515R's 61 microns.
Some of you will offer up that the 51515 filters down to 21 microns however, the burst pressure on that filter is only 290 PSI.
So, if money isn't an issue then the 51622 WIX or 1622 NAPA may be the oil filter of your choice.