Last year I switched out the EMPI cooler that came with my VS for a Setrab of similar size. I also made a new bracket that tipped the cooler out away from the bulkhead on the top about 30 degrees. The idea was to use the fan mounted on the bottom of the cooler as a puller to suck the hot air from the cooler and push it out the bottom of the car.
Well I don't know if it was dumb luck or the Setrab is that much better but after a 30 mile run today on the freeway into Iowa and back in 92 degree weather, the temp gauge never got quite to 1/4 scale. Also the cooling fan which has a 190 switch didn't come on til the engine heat soaked after I came home and then shut off after about 2 minutes I'm guessing the oil temp never got above 195 at the hottest. I wish the gauge had numbers and was accurate, it would be nice to know where it is at.
Anyhow, I took a picture of the gauge at its hottest and please ignore the large bare foot in the photo. It's easier to drive this car barefoot. Also the hood safety latch works great as the entire time I was driving it wasn't latched and I didn't know it. More dumb luck.