Great news!! We now have some GRAND PRIZE offerings for the Banquet at Morro Bay. Five (5) manufacturers have graciously consented to donate prizes to the Spring Fling attendees. These gifts are worth over $100 each. Here is who to thank:
Vintage Speedsters
Special Edition (Beck)
JPS Motorsports
Intermeccanica, Ltd
Pleasant Valley Saddle Shop
These items will all be displayed at the Banquet and will be given away --AT NO CHARGE -- after the Brown Bag Gift Exchange (BBGE). Your ticket for the BBGE will also be used for the Grand Prizes drawing. Remember, you get one ticket for each BBG you bring and get a draw for each ticket. You can bring as many gifts as you like.
Is this terrific or what !?! All at NO COST aside from your banquet ticket. Be sure to thank these generous Vendors.
Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
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