Dusty, Dusty, Dusty....You ignorant Slut....(SNL)
I don't know about any conversations you had with Warren, but he strikes me as a good mediator who is level headed. This thread you started makes you come off like some kid who just lost the big game, or, Who Know's, fill in the blank....
We didn't have an election years ago and elect you in charge. We are all equal in this group, that's what makes us so special to each other, unlike all the other Porsche/Ferrari/Corvette people who think their shit don't stink...Ours sticks to high hell (ask my wife)
Ask Carol, I'm sure Gerd has had the house fumigated on occasion...
Oh, by the way, when I said we were all equal, I didn't mean Gerd of course..
You volunteered your services and expertise to the group, and did one bang up job...We ALL appreciate what you have done, you have been one of our main figures (probably up till now) and we love you.
(OK, maybe love is a little strong)
Let Jen plan the next one, and if/when she falls on her face (i'm sure there will be line of guys who will pick her up) then you can say "I told you so"...
I'm sorry you don't get it..I thought you had been around the block a few times, perhaps I was wrong...