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Forgive me ... I forgot to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have posted your gratitude and appreciation for the efforts put forth by Sharon and myself. Your thanks makes us feel as though we did our job correctly. Thank you for your support.

Dusty and LMS

1957 Vintage Speedsters, plus various Porsches and Mercedes and Corvette

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Dusty -- I'm go for the parade. Some may have no interest in doing the parade, but the remaining 30-40+ cars still makes for a good showing. Ann and I enjoyed the parade the previous two years and think the candy toss was a lot of fun. Most important, for all the reasons you mentioned, the group's participation demonstrates good will and provides entertainment for the folks of Morro. They enjoy it, they appreciate it, they look forward to it, and I for one don't find it at all beneath my dignity to provide it.

We would like to see it back on the schedule.

Mark and Ann

PS: Our freeway breakdown was a shattered gland nut on the flywheel.
Before this thread gets out of hand, I don't think anyone does not agree that Dusty and the LMS did a great job with the Morro Bay Planning. This shit is not easy. Having to plan meals for this many people, and a place that will except all our cars and us.....
We have many personalities, and not everyone wants to partake in all the activities...I don't feel like the Parade is below me, I actually participate in a lot of them here in the south bay...
I chose not to go wine tasting so my wife could do some antique shopping, Exxxcuse me.....
Rather than argue, I suggest some of you rebels who would like to change venue's, start throwing out some suggestions...If not, we will plan on Morro Bay again next year....
I spoke up on behalf of those who are a little disgruntled, personally I'll go anywhere the group decides
vince u r so ugly

my 2 cents
i like the area, but it is a large area, speaking of midstate.
perhaps paso robles would be nice again. it definitely needs to be mid state for all the guys up north.
i believe in this state in santa barbara to paso robles there are many other areas. i cannot speak for the 5 or 6 items dusty mentioned above but they are critical to be successful.
i will go where ever the group decides
but i will not do that parade.
we support that area by showing up and spending money, lots of money.
i would think the cc would appreciate that
if people want to see the cars the cc should let them know where we park them on sat
just my 2 cents
but again i think dusty and the lms did great and i had a tons of fun
Dusty and the (extra) LMS. I want to thank you both for everything and making us feel so welcome to the group. Even without a car, Bob and I had a wonderful time. But enough about that, how was the trip to Sedona. Find anything with enough guest rooms for all of us threatening to visit? Bob and Bob's wife Jessica #1...
I have one simple, but VERY big concern about the date of our annual gathering. We have been VERY fortunate for three years in a row now and just dodged the weather bullet. This year, we missed extremely bad weather by two days and in 2009, it was just one day. It's only a matter of time before we aren't so lucky and we have another weekend like four years ago at Paso Robles. I wasn't there that year, but from what I have read, instead of trying to find a Starbucks in the morning, everyone was trying to find a place to buy blue plumbers tape to seal up their cars.

I spoke with Dusty about it, at Morro Bay, and he explained that moving the date up to May or June would result in much higher motel rates, more expensive dinner rates, bigger crowds of tourists and much lower attendance by all of us.

I believe Dusty is correct and without him and the LMS, we wouldn't even be having an event, but I know I personally would be willing to pay double the rate for the almost 100% guaranty of warm dry weather in June and about an 80% guaranty for May. April is a crapshoot and sooner or later the dice are going to get wet.

Maybe what we need is a poll to determine how many people would not go if the room rates were going to double or triple.

Just my thoughts and again, a big THANK YOU to Dusty and the Lovely Miss Sharon for all their hard work.


Images (2)
  • 2010_Calendar
  • Silver Speedster 085
Sarah and I prefer Morro or anywhere around the central coast because its closer to us. The further into summer we schedule this thing the more crowded it will be. As far as the wineries go, oppolo and or dover canyon are much more accomodating. After all is said, we had a great time and were impressed with the organization of the entire trip. Again, Thanks to all and we are certainly open to any discussions for change.
Blake and I agree with concerns surrounding the weather. A few days before we left for Morro Bay the forecast showed rain as a possibility and we decided that would not go if the forecast did not change. We would rather have paid for services we did not use (hotel, banquet, etc) than drive in the rain. If it rained that would have been 2 more people who rsvp'd for the event and did not show. Thankfully the weather changed and we had beautiful weather and a wonderful weekend!

The one thing we would really like to see incorporated into the weekend is time to show our cars. An actual car show like the group used to do in Paso, not a pre-drive gathering. This would give us time to hang out with the group, see what people have been doing to their cars, and give us a chance to match the face with the speedy.

As for the location, we will go where the group goes. Our preference though, would be somewhere that warm weather can be expected (that's why I would like to see it go back to Paso -- unless, of course, this meet is moved to the height of summer, then Paso would be too hot). San Luis Obispo has reliably warm weather once the rain stops, generally May through September, though June through August are best).

Dusty & Sharon, you have always done a wonderful job planning this event. I know how much work goes into an event like this and the fact that you do it simply because you want to is very much appreciated. As I mentioned before, I now find myself with time on my hands and would be happy to help in any way that you need.

Thank you Dusty and the LMS for the great trip to Morro Bay. I really enjoyed chatting with you. You are one talented guy! I couldn't find any "Deadshot Dusty" action on Youtube??

This was my first trip to Morro so I signed up for all the events! By looking at the map and leaving Malibu at 10:30 I assumed we were going to the lunch. A few days before the event I read route and removed me from the lunch. I wish I had known sooner.
Morro Bay was a great trip and a good place for our group. I just am not a wine person. Maybe next year have an option for a cruise up the coast OR the wine tasting?

Bill, I am glad you had a good time. That is what it is all about! Perhaps you misunderstand what the Winery Tours are all about. Many do not drink wine (or even like it) but they go along anyway because the tours are only a destination and a place to stop during a great drive through beautiful countryside with lots of twisty roads with others who drive the same cars and have the same driving interest. In other words .. camaradarie among Speedster fanciers. Part of the choice for these tours is back roads with very little traffic and always a good lunch in the middle. Coastal drives are nice and have good views but much more traffic to contend with. Personally I don't like driving in a straight line with trucks and SUVs surrounding me. Give me back country twisties anytime!! Please don't let the term "Wine Tour" determine your complete judgment of the activity.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
That didn't take long. I was hoping someone would see the N/S 356 plans. They used to meet at San Luis Obispo, of course. Do you suppose there is a reason they are moving over to Morro Bay (see the list of criteria at the opening of this thread under THE UGLY)? Also please notice how much in advance their planning has started. Now is the time for those of you looking for a change to start making plans. Believe it or not these events don't happen overnight.

Happy Trails,
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