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The 356 guys have been moving their venues around - on purpose - each year. The North has jumped between SLO and Cambria; the South tried Solvang last year (wasn't good).

They have found - perhaps a bit like some in this group (ironic, huh?) - that going to the same place year-after-year is, well, kinda, uh, the same.

Whatever Dusty decides to do with the group, I would agree with whoever said we've been dodging a big bullet called "rainy weather." This year especially, with the El Ni
John is correct. They are looking for a change in venue. 39 cars had already registered before the end of the recent NMS but all reservations were cancelled by the organizers to eliminate some shenanigans that have happened with room reservations in the past.

They will open the host hotels (two, because there is not one place with a sufficient number of rooms) in October and only people that have paid the event entry will be allowed to reserve a room on that weekend.
For those that didn't go on the "Wine Tour", Dusty is right. It is a fun ride with a chance to stop and BS. If you like wine, that is just a plus.

I have no problem with the parade. The part I don't care for is the long staging time, but again it's a chance to BS.

I agree that longer at the parking area is a good thing to get to know each other better.

As far as rain goes, I am probably one of the closest to the meet, but I will not drive around the block in the rain, so I totally understand the people with long drives.

Scott and I are in the area will be glad to check out parks, wineries, roads or anything someone has a notion for.

Oh, speaking of events, I entered my Speedie in the Warbirds Car Show yesterday. I know we will have fun at this event. There are many cars and airplances to look at. July 10 is the date. Save it! More later.
John Leader said:

The 356 guys have been moving their venues around - on purpose - each year. The North has jumped between SLO and Cambria; the South tried Solvang last year (wasn't good).

They have found - perhaps a bit like some in this group (ironic, huh?) - that going to the same place year-after-year is, well, kinda, uh, the same.

John my friend not exactly correct. The North Group (356CAR) has been in SLO using the Embassy Suites since 2002. The South group (356CLUB) has been switching locations of late. The reason is because the Cambria Pines (2003&2005) they used has gotten VERY high priced plus not as car friendly because they built more cottages on open space used for the car show. The 07 fiasco in Solvang was surely a bust (I was there) but an even greater bust in 09 because of the late May date that was boycotted by most everyone from the North group. I have not yet heard the results of the 2010 NMS held last weekend.

I tried to move the SLO event on 2006 but was voted down by the board. They were right. SLO is a very friendly town to have a car event. Sure it is the "same old" place but that said there are worse places to go to every year.

Having chaired events in the past I know what Dusty has gone through to pull off the event. The worst thing is to plan for 50 and only have 12 show up. That is bad form by those that are no shows.

No, I would not go if the rates double or triple, some of us are not loaded with cash. The date is definitely an issue, especially for those of us with kids in school.

I say get Theron to put up a poll on the front page and see what the majority wants. Who knows I may not have a speedster by then, so it won't matter to me. We shall see.....
We don't need a Poll. We need the folks who want a change to step up to the plate. If you REALLY have a good idea please post it with details and let us ALL consider it and look into it.

Do you want this to be done or are you just blowing off steam? Have you a good idea or do you just want attention? Looking for an improvement or just like to grumble?? Is this a little harsh???? OK, but we only have about two months to get our #$%$ together so plans can be made, so "get it in gear" or decide on someone else to take the helm.

A number have offered to "check into ...." but have not yet picked up the flag and run with it. Go ahead and get details, details, details and forward to me. (

I think this is the best group of car people I have ever been involved with and I have a certain affection for every one of you but I am really tired of complaints and dissention from a few who do not truly contribute to the group. This has become a rather good sized event and takes more and more effort and planning, but it is now at the point where it is going to involve more of a planned (financial .. maybe prepay an Event Fee) committment from those attending in order to make things happen and keep the stores/restaurants/hotels happy (in advance). Are you ready to pay a "fee" to cover most of the weekend (in other words, the Prepay for what we do rather than just say YES and not show up) or let it continue "loose" and degenerate due to members who only wish to let others do it.

I get nothing out from all of this except a great joy from making people happy with the Gathering and I don't mind putting my limited resources on the line (come on... I am a retired Saddlemaker) but I need your full support to know this is important. I want to make this better and better but I have limited ideas from 1300 miles away and am in the throes of relocating (takes even more of my time!) Without your serious and complete input I cannot make this improvement. [NOTE: I have learned, in corporate business for many years, that committees do not work. Give me ideas, let me make decisions. Most of you will be happy with the outcome!]

OK, that is enough of my "rant". I really hope it is helpful. I leave it up to you.... and I truly think of most of you as extended family.

Happy Trails,

You know what, Dusty?
I think you should go ahead and do what you want to do. You've made all the connections with the merchants and vendors in Morro Bay, so it should be a slam-dunk to keep it as is.
As far as events go, most don't give a choice. The poster goes up on the wall with the details, you pay your money and step inside. Perhaps you can set up a tiered system: one price for banquet only, one for banquet and winery tour, etc.?
Anyway, Do what you want to do. Those who want to come, will.
The rest can do something else.
With my experience running events, it's in your best interest to do the foot set up to the best of your ability and present same without options and as previously stated, the poster is on the wall.
I won't even get involved with the collection of funds, no matter how simple it may seem, it turns to being a pita trying to get the funds out of the slackers and you can very well be left holding the bag. That is why for our Carlisle dinner, it's off the menu with individule checks. ~Alan

You did a stellar job organizing the 2010 Morro Bay SOC tour and I, for one, am totally up with trusting your judgement again in 2011.

I liked the wine tour drive and took the opportunity to get to know the Jada vintner a bit more, got a tour behind the scenes and made a new friend in the process. There was more to just drinking or not drinking wine if only folks would take the initiative. Looking forward to the photo op pictures from the wine tour. The flexibility to split off ofter Justin was much appreciated by Vada who took advantage of shopping in Cambria.

This tour combined a friendly and picturesque venue with the great company of the SOC group. It is really about getting together in person, driving our cool cars and having a compatible venue that holds our interest. I'd say all those were achieved to most folks satisfaction.

The hotel in Morro was spot on for parking, value and view. Keep it on the agenda.

The car park event on Sat AM in Morro was cool, low key and friendly. I didn't think it was too short or too long 'cause I was not watching the clock.

The Banquet was a hoot, loved it and will bring less BBGs next year, I kinda overdid it;)

My drive is long so this is a big deal event for me. I put my trust in you and you came through. You are a dynamic guy so I bet each year you will have some surprises for us to keep Morro Bay fresh.

"I get nothing out from all of this except a great joy from making people happy"....who are we to take this away from Dusty....
I started a thread because I was hearing complaints, I agree that if you have an idea bring it forward, if not, allow dusty to have this "great joy"....
I would also like to appologize to Dusty for not joining on the wine run Saturday, I do believe I was one that was signed up for it....
I actually could have saved a bunch of money, considering what my wife spent in town that day..
Hats off to Dusty and the other organizers of this trip.

This was the first year for Rebecca and I. We have been on many of the OC Porsche Club (with our real one) wine tours and I would say that for a FREE event, you far exceeded our expectations. The Porsche club wine tour is close to $800. OUCH.

I can't speak for others that came but we were really pleased with Morro Bay.

As for others taking off and doing what they want to do- unfortunately when you have 78 individuals- you have people that may not necessarily want to partake in all of the events. Some don't drink. For example, we stuck around to go to the third winery after our mediocre experience at Justin winery and there must have been less than 10 cars. The people at the last winery were a bit rude and were unwilling to provide water even if we wanted a tasting. Their tasting room was pretty small, yadda yadda but the point is several folks vocalized that they would have rather gone on an organized cruise up the coast (possibly past Hearst) etc and forego the last winery.

As for Friday- we left OC at 7am to meet the other SoCal'ers and by the time our group got into Morro Bay it was afternoon. We would have loved to go to Cambria but it just wouldn't have been possible time wise.

Again- thanks to all that went and all that helped organize this event.

Rather than focusing on the negative we're going to remember this year as a time we were able to meet and socialize with great people (even Vince) that have similar interests. ;)

SLO is a great town as well and has a bit more going on in the way of night life but Morro Bay was a great meeting point and our group was well received there.
I was fortunate to take some trips through Baja in the 70s before the routes off the main road were not yet "improved". It wasn't quite off-roading but very close. The trip was the adventure then. Listening very carefully to the sound of the engine and being 50 miles from nowhere when it quit. Then diagnosing, repairing and continuing on our way. This years trip to Morro Bay my son Greg and I chased an elusive fuel and/or electrical intermittent gremlin. Unlike lonely Baja, we thanked the SOCers who stopped to lend aid and begged them to continue on with the group. After all, I had Triple A plus and a credit card. The times and location had changed. However, I was spending time on the road with my son sorting out (almost) the car.
Instead of completing the Wine Tour(s) we toured the part stores of Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo. On Saturday morning I met the owner of the Speedster, eventually bought so cheap, outside an auto parts store and directed him toward it's new owner. With no solution in site for my car we spent a quite afternoon touring the shops below the hotel. Greg had an enjoyable bus-man's holiday helping diagnose other peoples cars problems and I still enjoyed myself because the trip is always the adventure. Dusty deserves great praise for organization. I would only suggest that because of the increased number of people with diverse interest and possible problems some flexibility needs to be built in to accommodate intentional or unintentional non-participation in planned events.
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