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Just another small note.....

Remember, this event has NO upfront or EVENT costs! Your only cost (upfront) is the banquet. All dinners, breakfasts, etc, etc are strictly a "your choice at the time" affair. You even get the name tag/event souvenir badge at no cost. AND the deposits and reservation fees have been covered for you.

OK, now make this banquet a big affair so I can impress the Chamber of Commerce that we are a group they want to return each year.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS

Don't forget the "Brown Bag Gift Exchange" for the banquet and the wrapped candy to toss out at the parade.
Careful, Vince, you are scaring away the ladies who have never attended our great gathering! Without our lovely right seaters it would not be nearly as much fun. [Ladies, the only one without a shirt and laying on the bar is Vince ... trying to impress Gerd!!]

NOTE TO ALL:... at this time I only have Banquet reservations for 26. We must guarantee 45 to get the room and the meal. Over 56 have signed the Poll but that does not guarantee the restaurant. This is 30 who are procrastinating! Time gets away from all of us too fast!!!

Happy Trails,
I spoke with the hotel and they tell me all 30 rooms I had reserved have been taken. They MAY have few rooms still available yet so, if you are planning on coming, you should call them immediatley and get your reservation in.

About the BANQUET .... I still have only received 3 more reservations and the deadline is APRIL 8. Please get your reservations in so we can have the banquet. Without positive reservations we will be meeting at MUSBJIM's buddy's .... Pedro's Taco Cart ....for the dinner. Please understand that THERE WILL BE NO PAYING AT THE DOOR. The food will be prepared only according to the numbers I pay for prior to the banquet. Don't procrastinate further !!

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
Just a small note to let you know we only have 32 signed up for the banquet. The Poll still shows 56. Where are you?? Come on, folks, don't procrastinate to the point this becomes a problem. Deadline is only three weeks away.

If I have beg to do this to make it work for YOU I will do it. Help us all out and don't leave everyone disappointed here.

Thanks for your help.

I have received a few more checks for the banquet and will post an updated list next week. Thanks to those who have taken care of this so far.

I only have 38 at this time and we need 45 to satisfy the minimum requirements of my restaurant contract. This means that almost TWENTY have signed on the Poll and are still procrastinating.
Thanks for the offer. You are a good man (in spite of what Vince wrote on the wall in the Men's Room!). I contracted for the room, etc, 5 months ago but had to have the minimum dinners to make it work and to cover the dollars I agreed to (on my credit card). I just got a check from another SOCer today so we are only short by one. I am sure that more will come in before APRIL 8.

Now, another reminder ... no paying at the door, no admittance without a ticket. Sorry. Thwy will only make enough food for the number I pay them for on the 8th.

Bring your candy bag, bring your Brown Bag, bring your fun!

Happy Trails,
Well, the banquet venue is safe! We are up to 48 attendees !!!! It looks like Pedro's Taco Stand might feel the recession after all.

Add these to the list above:
Abregov 1
Brown 1
Hjelm 2

Anyone else? Remember the gate is closing on April 8. That is only 18 days away and our gathering (April 24) is only 4 1/2 weeks away.

"...and the crowd roared as the excitement built up!!"

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
Cal Monsma just brought up a good point ... Concerning the BROWN BAG gift exchange. You can bring as many brown bag gifts as you want to. You will get an exchange tag for each one and that many brown bags in return. The LMS and I will be bringing two bags. Remember, each one must be worth $15 or more and be (somehow) car oriented.

Also, don't forget to bring WRAPPED candy to throw to the kids during the parade.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
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