Hotel data....
DAYS INN (800) 247-5076 or (805) 772-2711
1095 Main Street
Morro Bay, CA 93442
Date: April 25 & 26
Rate: $105 (ask for Speedster Owners Group)
Continental Breakfast included
April 24 (Thursday) and April 27 (Sunday) the rate is $85
Reservations MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO MARCH 15. After this date the rate will be considerably higher.
California Gathering Schedule
Arrive and check-in
1:00 pm - 2 hour winery tour
Leader = ?
3:30 pm - relax at hotel; shop down town
5:30 pm - meet at Embarcadero Grill (drinks & dinner)
9:00 to 12:30 - show cars at staging point / watch kite demonstrations (Kite festival all weekend)
10:00 to 11:00 drive cars in town Parade (decorate your car)
12:30 pm - drive to San Luis Obispo to see Porsche 356 show + tour after viewing cars
Leader = Terry Nuckels
OR 100 mile backroad tour
Leader = Eddie Janis
5:00 pm - relax at hotel; socialize at pubs
6:30 pm - dinner at Great American Fish Company +
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