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Hotel data....
DAYS INN (800) 247-5076 or (805) 772-2711
1095 Main Street
Morro Bay, CA 93442
Date: April 25 & 26
Rate: $105 (ask for Speedster Owners Group)
Continental Breakfast included
April 24 (Thursday) and April 27 (Sunday) the rate is $85

Reservations MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO MARCH 15. After this date the rate will be considerably higher.

California Gathering Schedule

Arrive and check-in
1:00 pm - 2 hour winery tour
Leader = ?
3:30 pm - relax at hotel; shop down town
5:30 pm - meet at Embarcadero Grill (drinks & dinner)

9:00 to 12:30 - show cars at staging point / watch kite demonstrations (Kite festival all weekend)
10:00 to 11:00 drive cars in town Parade (decorate your car)
12:30 pm - drive to San Luis Obispo to see Porsche 356 show + tour after viewing cars
Leader = Terry Nuckels
OR 100 mile backroad tour
Leader = Eddie Janis
5:00 pm - relax at hotel; socialize at pubs
6:30 pm - dinner at Great American Fish Company +

1957 Vintage Speedsters, plus various Porsches and Mercedes and Corvette

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Hotel data....
DAYS INN (800) 247-5076 or (805) 772-2711
1095 Main Street
Morro Bay, CA 93442
Date: April 25 & 26
Rate: $105 (ask for Speedster Owners Group)
Continental Breakfast included
April 24 (Thursday) and April 27 (Sunday) the rate is $85

Reservations MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO MARCH 15. After this date the rate will be considerably higher.

California Gathering Schedule

Arrive and check-in
1:00 pm - 2 hour winery tour
Leader = ?
3:30 pm - relax at hotel; shop down town
5:30 pm - meet at Embarcadero Grill (drinks & dinner)

9:00 to 12:30 - show cars at staging point / watch kite demonstrations (Kite festival all weekend)
10:00 to 11:00 drive cars in town Parade (decorate your car)
12:30 pm - drive to San Luis Obispo to see Porsche 356 show + tour after viewing cars
Leader = Terry Nuckels
OR 100 mile backroad tour
Leader = Eddie Janis
5:00 pm - relax at hotel; socialize at pubs
6:30 pm - dinner at Great American Fish Company +
I read the net reviews, too, but have been assured that the entire facility had new carpet, paint, wallpaper, etc put in less than two years ago. The people I have been talking with sound very pleasant. Everyone is free to choose any hotel they wish. I must take the word of those I have to deal with. I am also told those negative postings are quite old. Remember, I am 1200 miles away and no locals have opted to do this thing for the group. I hope I have made the right decisions.

Please refer any complaints to the City Manager of Paso :-)


Should the Days Inn, turn out to be the Bates Motel, we will have a great time, besides the number of speedsters we will have Vince, and with all the planned things to do I only need a place to sleep, enjoy the company of our brothers, the drive,and above all the adventure. Imagine tourturing poor Norman with our passion of ours little cars, having fun runs into the back roads,checking out the local dinners,saloons,and just enjoying the time spent together. I for one, am looking forward to it. Those who attended last years get together, braved rain,and uncertain weather, not to mention a pole dance in the rain. We as group make it fun. I drove home last year through a down pour and I wouldn't have missed the drive for anything. I had great time, and I am hoping to have a great time again.
I have a friend who has a 2nd home in Morro. He sent me a few photos of a late December swell they had, as well as one of a lightning storm...
Sounds like a nice place, and I'm sure it will be a fun trip for ya'll.

BTW, his e-mail said that the ship in the picture is a 47 ft Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat, just for reference.


Images (3)
  • Morro swell
  • Morro swell2
  • Lightening storm Morro Bay
LATEST SCHEDULE FOR MORRO BAY. .. Please note the restaurant change (due to local conflict plans)-------------------

Hotel data....
DAYS INN (800) 247-5076 or (805) 772-2711
1095 Main Street
Morro Bay, CA 93442
Date: April 25 & 26
Rate: $105 (ask for Speedster Owners Group) Continental Breakfast included
April 24 (Thursday) and April 27 (Sunday) the rate is $85

Reservations MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO MARCH 15. After this date the rate will be considerably higher.

California Gathering Schedule

Arrive and check-in
1:00 pm - 2 hour winery tour
Leader = ?
3:30 pm - relax at hotel; shop down town
6:30 pm - meet at Great American Fish Company
9:00 to 12:30 - show cars at staging point / watch kite demonstrations
10:00 to 11:00 drive cars in town Parade (decorate your car)
12:30 pm - drive to San Luis Obispo to see Porsche 356 show
Leader = Terry Nuckels
OR 100 mile backroad tour
Leader = Eddie Janis
5:00 pm - relax at hotel; socialize at pubs
6:30 pm - dinner at Embarcadero Grill (drinks and dinner upstairs)
Thanks to BLAKE AND JEN LEONG of Paso Robles. They have volunteered to lead a 2 hour winery tour from Morro Bay on Friday afternoon of our gathering. Sounds like fun! And we will be back in time for the dinner at the Great American Fish Company on the beach (for you Non-fish eaters there is a full menu, too)

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the excited Miss Sharon
Jim - You've got the memory of an elephant. Yeah, well, so I guess I was asleep at the wheel or in this case maybe just cat napping. For the rest of you, they came around the bend so quick I wasn't ready and only photographed half the field. Maybe this time, I'll follow you guys from the air and get some aerials views of the parade. On some certain silver speedys, I may drop water balloons.

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