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PEOPLE OF EARTH...and West Coast SOCers!!!

For those who are making this event for the first time, here's a re-edited video of some highlights from past Morro Bay gatherings. For those who have been, here's to get you all psyched-up!

We're looking forward to hanging out with our SOC friends...

Peace - Out!

MusbJim - aka; El Guapo, the most guapo hombre in all of SoCal! 

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Jim---great video --thanks for posting it. Alice and I are sure looking forward to seeing everyone at Morro Bay. My car is stripped of everything inside waiting on the new carpet set to get here so I can put the car back together and ready for the haul from Hot Springs.

Jim--was that a banjo I saw you load into your car???
Jack - I spoke recently with Dusty about your plans to rendezvous and caravan to Morro Bay. I am certain that you and Alice (and everyone that shows up for the event) will have a great time, as we all have in the past. Dusty does a great job of putting it all together! BTW - I used to play in a bluegrass band YEARS ago. I have a room full of instruments, many of which I am not able to play any more (arthritic hands).

Mark - you forgot to post the picture of Vince entertaining the SOC crowd at the dinner banquet...


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  • Piper 2
I have now heard it all---El Guapo--- a Banjo picker!!!

I have heard that in many states if you hang your banjo picks from your rear view mirror, you can park in a handicapped parking space!

We're looking forward to linking up with Dusty and Sharon on Tuesday, 4/20 for dinner in Gallup, NM on I-40. Then to Barstow and on to Morro Bay arriving early Thursday afternoon. He will be pulling a trailer with a large truck so Alice can ride with them some and take a break from the Speedy.

Nothing like a little 4,000 mile trip to properly break in a new
Type IV engine.

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