Hey guys. I'm at the point in my build where my pan is rolling and 95% done and I'm ready to temporarily mount the body to the frame. The problem I'm running into is that the holes in the metal sub-frame in the body don't quite line up with the mounting holes in my pan. Regardless, I'm more concerned about making sure that the body gets placed on the pan sqaure so I would like to assume that no mounting holes are present and completely square it and then see if any of the holes can be utilize without modification. I know everyone will ask what type of body/kit etc. I'm sure almost no one has heard of them, they are premier classics out of mexico. Actually the kit is quite "beefy" and of pretty good quality, I just need some guidance so I don't make a "wrong turn". Thanks in advance guys. Here are some pics of it "sitting" on the frame.
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