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Those gauges are just there to fill the holes for when they were sorting out the dash. 


There is no fuel gauge in a Pre-A.  One of the three vertical 'idiot' lights is a low fuel warning light.


As for the front bumpers, I wanted openings on each side where the two oil coolers are.  We will putting some sort of mesh in them.


The Fuch wheels are not mine.  I think Henry again just used them to be able to visualize the wheel openings.

Henry set that bar way up there some while ago.  He makes what I call a 911 '57 Speedster.  To me, it is the epitome of the replica art/craft.  Big 6-banger, all Porsche running gear, trans and such.  just my opinion, your mileage may vary . . .


I'd like to be in the (imaginary) room where Henry and Ferdinand meet over a couple of beers.  I believe the old German Dr. would come away from that having learned quite a lot.  Just sayin' . . .



When my brother bought his Speedster, sometime back around '63 or '64, it was painted BRG.  I thought it was the best looking car I had ever seen - no kidding.


Later on, it got a severe nose ding and he sent it in for repair and paint to one of the last "Lead Men" left in our little part of Massachusetts.  During the rebuild, they found that BRG was not the original color and my brother noodled a bit about whether to re-paint it BRG or go with the original color.  


When he got it home to put the trim back on, it was no longer that beautiful BRG, but had become Meissen Blue, its' original color.  I looked at it and thought; WTF?  (I was old enough to think WTF? back then....couldn't say it, but could think it, at least...)   Robin's Egg Blue???   What the hell is THIS?  I'm supposed to ride in THIS??


Even my Dad, who LOVED driving that little green car and was THE most encouraging man on the face of this planet, looked at the new, "Robin's Egg Blue" speedster and simply said, "Well, that looks nice...."


So Ray got the trim back on and drove it whenever he came home on leave from the USAF, while Dad drove me to school in the afternoon sometimes (we were on double sessions back then) and we tolerated the Robin's Egg Blue.  Like, Meh?


About a year later, Ray got out of the service, sold the little blue Speedster and bought a brand-new, 1967 Mustang fastback in Ford's Dark Moss Green, Which looked a lot like British Racing Green to me.  He put a set of ET Mag wheels on it, stripped off some of the chrome trim and, like magic, it became a clone of Steve McQueen's car in "Bullitt"!  I remember, in those very few times I got to borrow it, that it had this HUGE rear window in the fastback, perfect for doing stuff "under the stars"........

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

A few more shots of progress on the IM6 for anyone who may be interested.


I supposed Vince would like the beehives. We are going with CU Layer LED lights for the rear, as Henry feels they are the brightest available.


This is a small American business run by a genuine car guy, so if you are considering brighter taillights (both beehive and teardrop), contact him.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6
This guy must be running his business out of his garage, I live about 5 minutes from his adress. Small world
Originally Posted by Bob: 2015 Intermeccanica S6:

A few more shots of progress on the IM6 for anyone who may be interested.


I supposed Vince would like the beehives. We are going with CU Layer LED lights for the rear, as Henry feels they are the brightest available.


This is a small American business run by a genuine car guy, so if you are considering brighter taillights (both beehive and teardrop), contact him.


Originally Posted by TRP:
What's the purpose of the cut out behind the license plate housing? Cooling? Air duct? The LEDs were the best update I've done to date.

Looking great.

I think the main purpose of the cut out behind the licence plate is to allow you to change the fan belt if/when needed.  I assume it also provides some extra cooling.


Originally Posted by Joe Fortino -2008 Beck - Batavia, IL:
This guy must be running his business out of his garage, I live about 5 minutes from his adress. Small world

It's not his full time job, so I guess he works out of his house.  I don't imagine it's major manufacturing, with such a small potential market.

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