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Weren't you supposed to be home from Canada by now and posting photos??


Oh - Wait.......You LIVE in Canada, don't you.


OK, then......Weren't you supposed to be home from Vancouver, out in the far west, were Men are Men and there are roads for Speedsters??


So, I need a couple of "finish" photos of you (and maybe Henry) and your IM-6.


We're waiting..........


(and if you're still out in the Manly West, please ignore this til you get home - Jus sayin......)

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
Originally Posted by Gordon Nichols - Massachusetts 1993 CMC:

Stand by, boys and girls....


The official "Bob's IM-6 Build" Video is in final compilation and should be ready for viewing later today!


I started this adventure back in June while on my PEI Bike Trip and it's gone through a few iterations to make it flow nicely, but Bob has (almost) blessed the final version and we're "raaarin to go"!


Watch this space!

Thanks so much for doing this, Gordon!  And for giving me a chance to view it first.


Next up, the Oscars for Gordon...

If you remember last June, I was on a Bicycle trip to Prince Edward Island.  We were sitting in the lounge of the Quality Inn in Charlottetown, PEI and I was doodling on my laptop and in a matter of 30 minutes I had the basis for the following video (that iPad app for iMovie is amazing).  My biking friends were impressed (it already had the first track of background music from the Jefferson Airplane) that I could do that much while sitting at a bar with a couple of Gahan's beers.  Later, my wife saw it and kindly pointed out that it "wasn't my best work".  




Back to the casting couch I went and, a few months and more photos later, out popped most of what you will see below.  Then Bob Carley saw it and gave me a short page of "corrections".  Geez....Started to feel like I was back working on PowerPoint presentations for customers or sum thin.  


But in the end, that collaboration of people has produced a nice little video about the building of Bob's IM-6.  All those weeks of messing with the photos on and off has given me a HUGE appreciation for all of the details that went into this build.  Bob has written that this car doesn't have all of the "frills" of the car he admired and used as a template.  Believe me.......THIS car has "all the right stuff in all the right places".


Bob and I hope you enjoy this video.  What started out as a germ of a thought in an airplane flying from Boston to Halifax turned into a pretty nifty dream for both of us - and maybe you, too.


Don't forget to click the right corner gear and bump the resolution up to 720P and THEN hit the full page icon - and crank the audio - it's totally "G" rated!!


Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Hubba Hubba Hubba.  All the right stuff indeed.  I'm not generally a fan of the hood strap thing, but aside from that, all the choices made here are really spot on.  In many of the shots the car looks blue, but says BRG and I see that in some shots when the light is right.  Whatever the color, what an awesome build.  As I have said in this space many times, I think Henry's 911 Speedster builds are the epitome of the craft here.  All Porsche running gear, more power/torque than any sane man can figure out what to do with, and the best possible fit and finish of the classic Speedster design.  Does not get any better.


Fine video too.  Might have included some down-the-road shots w/ Bob at the wheel, a few burn-outs, and like that, for those of us with prurient interests.

Originally Posted by Sacto Mitch . . . . 2013 VS:
Originally Posted by El Frazoo: 

...Fine video too.  Might have included some down-the-road shots w/ Bob at the wheel, a few burn-outs, and like that...


That's in the sequel - Die Schnell und die Furious 2



Coming soon to a theatre near you - to be filmed at Carlisle 2016. 


Have to show those 'fart can muffler' guys what a real car can do...

Watching the movie 'Casablanca' recently, I was struck by the narrator's speech at the beginning:


"And so a tortuous, round-about refugee trail sprang up. Paris to Marseilles, across the Mediterranean to Oran [in Algeria], then by train or auto or foot across the rim of Africa to Casablanca in French Morocco. Here the fortunate ones through money or influence or luck might obtain exit visas and scurry to Lisbon, and from Lisbon to the New World. But the others wait in Casablanca, and wait...and wait...and wait."


That last sentence resounded with me.  Henry's doing a few things to finish up my new car, so I wait...and wait...and wait...


And it's a beautiful Fall day today, just right for a cool, top down drive in a Speedster. 


If only...

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