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Hey Gang
I know little about the car. I don't pick it up until next week. So, I will comment and compare to the VS I had at a later date. My first impression when I drove it: It is very solid with that 3" tube frame and it hauls ass. Oh, did I mention that it hauls ass.

2006 VS (Sold)

2004 Beck (Sold)

1975 914-4

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Yes, it did happen quick. I saw it on Ebay last week, drove up to Sacramento to look at it on Saturday and will pick it up tomorrow. I am going to trailer it home as it is threatening rain. Not that I am afraid to drive it in the rain, it is just that I don't want to take any chances. I didn't get my VS all the way home when I picked it up. Fuel pump broke. Go figure - brand new car. S--- happens I suppose. Guess I'm just being carefull. I'll keep you posted.
Yeah Cory, it was an easy fix. Just dam inconvenient to brake down on the freeway 20 miles from the house in a brand new car. Anyway, I just got home with the new speedy safely in the garage. I towed it just in case of another incident like the first one. Guess what, when I pulled it into the garage I notice one headlight out. Dam, maybe I saved a ticket by trailering it. Didn't get a drop of rain, which was really the reason I opted to trailer it. Didn't need another ticket as I got one last week going up to look at it. Traffic school right around the corner. Can't wait to really look at this thing and see what's going on. Got to get it ready for Morro Bay. Lot of ideas.
Here are my preliminary observations:
I am impressed with the structure build. Everything is neat and put together with the proper size bolts, etc. The doors, trunk and decklid fit nearly perfectly. The paint and body are very good with little ripple in the doors. The interior is very roomy and of course, with the Beck, there is room for a spare. The electrical wiring is neat and looks very professional. The engine, well that's another story. Seems the dealer, Premier Auto Sales in Phoenix swapped the original engine with this one. When I called Jerry Jones, the owner, to find out about the engine, he said that the shop he used in those days (2004) went out of business. So, I am left with knowing nothing about the engine, other than what the original owner told me (2180cc with 44 IDF Webers). It runs very strong, but some of the work that was done when the engine was replaced was not up to snuff, IMHO. I have spent the last three days correcting a lot of minor items. For example, they didn't take the time or spend the money to hook the heater tubes back up, they left electrical wires dangling that apparently went to oil temp guages where they didn't add the senders, etc. I will work on all that stuff as I go along. As far as the engine goes, I guess when it breaks I'll have Pat Downs rebuild it. Other than going much faster than my VS 1915, I can't really tell much difference in the handling. I had a camber compensator and sway bar on the VS. This car has neither, but will.

Anyway, that's where I'm at with it. I think it was a good buy at less than what VS is charging for a new one. I guess time will tell.
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