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Most Devins came with no chassis, no internal structure, no nuthin'!  I know because I watched a buddy of mine build one.  Boat load of work, that was, but the outcome was spectacular.

I think I've see pictures where a 356 outer shell was cut off of the underlying structure, which was strong enough without the outer skin.  Lotta work, but it's been done more than once.

The Trump Vineyard is a stones throw from Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.  Donald bought the vineyard from Patricia Kluge in 2011.  It actually produces one of the best sparkling wines in Virginia.  My wife has banned me from going there since 2016.  I did drive passed there in my Spyder yesterday.  A couple of miles of his property faces the road.  There are thousands of American flags mounted on the fence along the road.  Its pretty impressive. 



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@550 Phil posted:

The Trump Vineyard is a stones throw from Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.  Donald bought the vineyard from Patricia Kluge in 2011.  It actually produces one of the best sparkling wines in Virginia.  My wife has banned me from going there since 2016.  I did drive passed there in my Spyder yesterday.  A couple of miles of his property faces the road.  There are thousands of American flags mounted on the fence along the road.  Its pretty impressive.


It is truly a beautiful place with a staff second to none... My wife and I were there last month for a beautiful gathering. I love their Cidery Tasting room serving Apple-achian, the Champagne of cider with an excellent lunch.

Incredible place

@DannyP posted:

For what it's worth, an egg sandwich on a hamburger(soft and mushy) bun never struck my fancy. I never got what the big deal was. But then again, nobody has good NY hard rolls, so I'm spoiled there.

It's a warm, filling breakfast after a night of drinking just a wee bit much, and you didn't have to make it...

Last edited by ALB
@dlearl476 posted:

Someone picked up Bill Devin’s ball and is running with it. Models available for VW, Triumph, or Chevrolet power.

They've clearly advanced the quality of the bodies by leaps and bounds.  My friend's Devin body had no gelcoat and was extremely rough.  You could shine a flashlight through it and all the cuts appear to have have been made after (or during) a raucous office party.

Last edited by Lane Anderson

They've clearly advanced the quality of the bodies by leaps and bounds.  My friend's Devin body had no gelcoat and was extremely rough.  You could shine a flashlight through it and all the cuts appear to have have been made after (or during) a raucous office party.

Did you check out the website?  The pristine, unfinished 295 body they found to make molds looks like that natural fiberglass Porsche used for cooling tins. Definitely “translucent.”



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Devins like a lot of other 1950s fiberglass bodies were sold from a basic outer shell  to a finished body with doors and hoods mounted .

for Devins the molded in bucket seats were an extra cost , as were inner fender wells etc , Some of the fiberglass bodies by other companies charged extra for opening  doors or hoods ,

thru the years I have been offered a few "new" bodies without gel coat like the photos above ,  I just figured I would never get it done .

@dlearl476 posted:

Did you check out the website?  The pristine, unfinished 295 body they found to make molds looks like that natural fiberglass Porsche used for cooling tins. Definitely “translucent.”

I've seen some photos of some original and fairly lightweight and translucent Porsche bodies, 904 or 906 if I remember correctly.

On a slight tangent, have these popped up on here before?

A fibreglass Porsche roadster patent in 1954. It looks very 550ish, although it seems to be a rear engine placement d32d7f_e0981d7c46da4fbfae9a79882f43c47b~mv2d32d7f_60cccfacc2734e7bba2850658fed0486~mv2d32d7f_cfbe9d40ab654591a0d93c8c0e8448ca~mv2d32d7f_8cc4984973af4b598eaafd1b42ed4f4f~mv2


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Last edited by 550aus
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