I had the C. B. Performance thin line sump installed. Removed the
innards today so the oil would drain and have wrestled with the parts for an hour trying to reinstall the parts;
The rubber seal
The oil pick up extension tube
The filter
The piece thst sticks in the bottom of the filter
the spring
The gasket
and the sump plate
If anyone has experience with getting this back together I'd love to hear from them. Call me collect at 501/760-2889.
I am sad that the simple act of changing the oil is this big a deal.
The parts can be all fit together but they won't stay together when I try to get the whole deal back and over the pick up tube.
Also each part won't stay up there for me to put the next one in as the fit is loose.
I have the car on jack stands so I can work reasonably well. I don't see that a lift would make any difference. Maybe two more hands?
This has be baffeled and I would be thankful for any help.
Thanks to all---Jack
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