I had many of the same questions/hopes you had about using one of these cars on a daily basis. My previous Vintage Speedster was a great dry weather car. In any steady rain, you will get wet, no matter how well the top fits. Perhaps you should consider a "beater" for the inclement and extreme temperature days. My honest opinion is that the majority of 356 replicas are not well suited for daily use from a user perspective and a product quality point of view. That said, everyone has a different threshold on what acceptable is. Daily commutes on a bicycle are preferred by most of the world, when much of Southern California prefers a Hummer to haul their solitary a$$ to and from. My Intermeccanica offers many of the requirements that I need to consider it a daily driver, however I still use my other cars for 90% of my driving tasks. I've put over 9,000 miles on my IM in the last 12 mos and offer my comments only to provide insight into my own experience. My greatest advice is to buy at the right price and you can sell it with little to no loss if the whole things not for you.