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I have a Beck Speedster and I am inquiring if there has ever been a "helmet Fairing" made for the car. This "fairing" is a fiberglass readrest which bumps up behind both driver and passenger, then flows back to the rest of the body.
I have seen them on some new Porsches, 60"s Thunderbirds etc.

If you can get them, please send me the price at my.ironwork
Thanks, Mike Siddons, owner of 356 001
By the way, although I own a Beck Speedster, I have seen most of the other replicas and the Beck is by far the most original looking replica out there.
I had a Porsche owner come up to me yesterday and tell me that I was driving one of the most incredible examples of an original 58 Speedster he had ever seen, and he has owned 6 or 7 of the originals. He never once questioned its authenticity- schwing!!
All the other replicas have unsightly airconditioners, cheesy race steering wheels, cheap looking shift knobs or Pep Boys add-on-looking interior parts.
I just cringe when I look at a valuable looking exterior , and see a $29.95 interior.
Mike Siddons

You may be justifiably proud of your Beck Speedster. I don't know, I've not seen a new one yet. I am sure they are great cars, and some day hope to check one out.

But it is an insult to this group and the many owners of JPS, CMC, Ryans, IMs, VS, etc for you to come on and rant about how YOUR replica is THE only "true" and faithful car produced while putting us, the poor white trash of the replica market, down. There are some very nice replicas in this club. Many are close to original, many are more of an Outlaw look, and some are straight out air-cooled street rods. I like this group AND it's diverse interpretations of cars. My VS is as faithful as I cared to get to an original without spending big bucks,

Beck may be a great car, and I hope they are, that's good for us as consumers.... but you are a piss poor ambassador for them Mike. If I was the owner of the company I think I'd be whispering to you, "sit down, shut the f**k up, and have a coke". If your car ego is dependent on putting the rest of us poor unfortunates down then you sir, are a weak sister.

The comment about $29 interiors sucks Mike. My newly ordered Speedster seats cost 35x that alone. I won't belabor the point, as basically your comments sound like an elitist... sorta the attitide some true speedster owners have towards our replicas INCLUDING your Beck... It is a Plastic Replica after all. Thankfully we have REAL ambassadors for our Replicas, like Clay and John Leader who build bridges without grinding the community into the dirt in the effort.

The story of the guy having owned numerous real Speedsters not able to distinguish yours from a real one reeks of Hyperbole at the least. (Read BS Mike) I've only had one Replica Speedster and I could spot your car as a fake in less time than it takes you to say Pep Boys.

So Mike, go Manny Moe and Jack-Off, Pep on that BOY!

Jim Bob Ward
(Message Edited 8/9/2003 5:48:15 PM)
Weak, Very Weak Mike.

Strong response Jim. Thank you for your restraint.

I just attended the NorCal Napa Wine run with 8 other speedsters. Out of 8 new introductions, 8 out of 8 I consider to be new friends. This group was comprised of IM's, CMC's, Vintages and JPS's. Not One driver fronted ANY attitude.
My speedster was the runt of the litter. A 57 flared CMC with incorrect details, lay-up flaws and a spartan interior. I still felt a part of a special group of people with a common interest in mind..keeping "rolling art" rolling along America's roads. I received more friendly advice, both mechanical and aesthetic, and learned more in two days than I would in 100 posts.

My point is..your post is VERY out of character for this group. In fact I'm wondering if it wasn't scripted by a Beck marketing exec who doesn't quite get it yet.

I guess a helmut fairing for driver AND passenger on a speedster would be orignal. No, make that unique, because I've only seen these fairings for the driver- because you wouldn't go racing with a passenger. I would lend you my cheesey racing steering wheel to go with your stupid request but it's OEM Porsche 356. Please don't talk sh*t.
As Jim said, I'm sure you are proud of your Beck Speedster. Well, so are the rest of us proud of our many and varied cars and we meet here to share our joy and ideas with each other. If our cars were all alike, this wouldn't be nearly as much fun as it is. You are welcome here too, but play nice or take your toy and go home.

(Message Edited 8/10/2003 9:57:40 AM)

Rant & Rumble Dos? Nope, I'm just back to encourage you to post pictures of your new Beck Speedster and now join in on the discussion forums. We normally don't flame each other or such. Our discussions are centered on lessons learned, networking, and sharing the joy of ownership.

I think you were "sharing that joy" when you made that post that got my hairs standing up. I may have been a little reactionary (John it was fresh Kona ground, haha) but my point was made. As you can see, a few others felt the same way when you made the 29 cent remark..

See, there's a very cool thing about this group. We appreciate each other's love for these cars, at whatever level of build or style. I own a 2 year old VS that I am very proud of and spend some time modifying and improving on it. There is a guy in our group, who a year ago built a visual copy of my car..... except he did it better and with JPS! Jealous? No!!!! Happy that he shared a vision, and then improved on it x2. His car is just so damn near perfect it makes me smile. Then there's Dale's IM.... a more beautiful car I cannot imagine. If your Beck is half as detailed as his then you have one primo replica. We have John H's ivory VS, and listen as John has gone from a novice aircooled tinkerer to a very knowledgable DIY who keeps his car in pristine condition. There's Paul. who's car undergoes a metamorphisis each time he posts new pics, truly an outlaw with a Merry Tricksters spirit. His posts are collectble items. I plan meeting this guy someday just to smile and share a beer. Then there's the Wide Bodies that really bring the engine discussion thread alive. Talks of 200-300 HP cars and Roll bars abound. We have watched one of our own teach youth at risk a skill and the basis for self-esteem through building several interpretations of these cars... all of them worthy of our admiration. We have George, building an IM at a level where no member has gone.... the ultimate car. (Except that gray car in the current Excellence)There's the joy in watching several CMC rebuilds and a recent Street Beast Build up. We watched these cars at birth and got pictures when they first walked. There's the T-I vs T-IV discussion that gets heated, but in a fraternal sort of way. We have the leaders and organizers in these groups.... imagine Rick's beautiful yellow flared car leading your group on a tour of wine country! We come in primers, black, silver, red, gold, maroon. all the colors/ We might even have some Grant Steering wheels from Pep Boys on some cars.... cool.

So THAT's why I jumped on you Mike. You called our mistressess fake and cheap... an' those are fighting words. But that's in the past. Why don't you post some stuff about your car, tell us about it, share a picture. Be proud of it Mike. We are of ours.

Welcome to the group. I hope you have the moxie to join in now.

Jim Ward
(Message Edited 8/10/2003 5:56:54 PM)
Thanks that was very nice compliment. Had me near tears. You open letter to Michael Siddons was well stated. We all put something of ourselfs into our cars and for someone to dis and knock our choices in a wholesale manner is a "bit" rude. We have all grown together on this site and there is a bit of all of us in each others car. Every car is a little different and in that way we all benifit. Thanks to each of you for your small contribution to my car.

(Message Edited 8/11/2003 2:53:40 AM)
Michael, those "cheesy" race steering wheels - If you mean Nardi - I believe were a factory option on Porsches and standard equipment on Ferraris. In fact, many Porsche owners replaced their "cheesy" looking plastic rimmed banjo wheels with Nardi wood rimmed wheels.

I haven't seen a Beck Speedster but it is interesting that Chuck is getting back into the replica market on a larger scale.
You have just posted in the Speedster Musketeers Club. Yes, we're one for all & all for one!!
For the ones that don't belong, Mr. Jim Ward "The Terminator" will set you straight like only he can (once again, Bravo Jim!) & Paul & I will be busy printing out yet another set of "Urinal Targets" with your pic on them. So straighten up, fly right & welcome to the SMC or face the drowning )o:! We use the guys with the healthiest prostates up front (o:!~R
Well, I went and looked at the photos of a silver Speedster on Beck's web site, and the car is ridiculously easy to tell from a real Speedster, viz:

1. Seats are wrong
2. Parking brake is wrong
3. Dash shape is wrong
4. Dash grab handle is missing
5. Shift lever is wrong
6. Steering wheel looks like a K-Mart special
7. Door panels are wrong
8. No rear reflectors
9. Rear view mirror is wrong
10. No windshield center post (the stock miiror mounting place)
11. The wheels are 8-hole Brazilian Mangels
12. Other trim pieces are missing (Meister Schaften badge, etc.)

Hardly a "spitting image..."
In the words of that great philosopher and bard of the late 20th century Rodney King " can't we all just get along". The more examples of this slippery shape on the roads the better for you and I the consumer. Any tube frame quality product in the mid twentys price range keeps the pressure on all replicators,manufactures,assembelers.
California,Texas,Canada,Brazil,Europa..Bring us more
Marc - Bruce,

Good points made by both of you. I agree. And yes, the better the competition between manufacturers the better for the consumer. No doubt. I'd like to see one of the new Becks. My guess is Mike has a pretty nice car.

I wasn't trying to play forum Troll and in retrospect feel a little bad for slamming the hammer too hard. What he said was uncalled for, BUT.... but, I sure will feel bad if I've run off a potential participant to this forum!

(Message Edited 8/11/2003 4:33:01 PM)
Preface: I do apologize to everyone I offended in my posting regarding my Beck Speedster. Now that I re- read my posting and try to look at it from other vantage points, I realize my acute tunnel vision touched a nerve I was not reaching for, nor did I contemplate. I was expressing my opinion without thinking about anyone else who may read my posting. BAD DOG!

Wow, this place has a heck of a pulse. I wish I got 1% of that response when I asked the group how to cover the hole in the door (now, be nice) when you remove the regular side mirror and put on a set of Aero's.
Bill Drayer is sure right about the dead giveaway hand brake, and John Hallstrand you are right that, although I prefer what I ended up with- I must remember we all love our cars.
All those hours we put into our "mistresses" prove we gotta "thang" for our rides.
This point reminds me of hanging out with friends and commenting on the women passing by- it is amazing what a difference of opinion even your best friends can have on women, cars, etc. Even so, they remain your friends.
Some love their cars more than I do, and yes that is a shocker. And I will do some backing down on the interior- well, the carpet at least. I did change that to the loop style and it made all the difference.
Jim Ward, you sensed that I was expressing my joy of being a "Speedster" owner, and the nail got hit on the head. Besides my passion for the Beck, I only recently found out that Beck was back in production and there are only a handful of us Beck Speedster owners out there. The 550 Spyder seems to be plentiful, though. I am still looking for anyone on this forum owning a B.Speedster.
Now, when are some of you going to join me at Rubys in Redondo Beach (at Hermosa Ave. & Beryl Ave. ), Southern Ca. on Friday evenings so we can show our cars at the car show and you can tell me how my car doesn't measure up? It is free, (be sure to get a validation inside Ruby's rest.) on the oceans edge, and all the other cars are US muscle cars.
I have a long way to go to getting my car looking the way I want it, but I'd like to see what things others have done to their cars that might look good on mine. I want a subwoofer with a 4 ch amp installed, and cannot find it for under $700 around here- any suggestions for shops in the South Bay?

Michael S.-

If you're thinking of having a sub installed, I would caution that you should keep your entire sound system in mind. A sub won't do much good unless you've balanced it out with the rest of the system. Just don't go to a utility install retailer (ie. Best Buy, Fry's). I've talked with many people who have learned that the hard way.

Power, impedence, and crossover frequencies are just a few of the factors to consider. I would take some time and learn the components and science involved in car stereos, then contact install pros. You're get a lot farther if you're playing on a level field with them.

You may need to get creative with the placement of the woofers and sub, but check out Therons member file for pictures of his install.

I wish I had companies you cold contact in your area... I've got a very good installer here in Santa Clarita, should the need arise.

Good luck, and post some pics when you're finished!
I protest. I believe you have to be Scandinavian or of Scandinavian decent to call yourself a "troll." I can lay claim to that virtue, but unfortunately, my nose isn't big or hairy enough to carry it off properly. BTW, I'm not all that accomplished as a shade tree mechanic, but thanks for the good words anyway. I have indeed made great strides in this department, thanks in large measure to the members of the board.
John H.
a would be Troll for sure!
Welcome to the Speedster Musketeers Club.Just let us know if someone says bad things about your Speedster. We're here for you (o:!
Also, as far as the sub, don't discount the possibility of a self contained powered unit such as a Bazooka. They come in different sizes (6" on up) & are fairly compact. Bazooka even makes one that resembles a Nitros Bottle, however, being a passive unit, an amp would still be required to power it.~R
Regarding sound systems...If there is such a thing as an equalizer, like in my home stereo system, I think that would help. I recently revised my speaker location to try and get a different sound, and at the same time keep from cutting up my new door panels... Well, It's OK, but not quite what I want yrt... I mean I can hear it with the top down and the R-r-r-r-r-rs goin' but...

In my limited knowledge I added some tweeters thinking I was going to get some further definition, etc... Not so.

Even though some of the fast-consumer-turn-over stores may not be the creme de la creme, talk with some of their joy-boys in the department about getting CONTROL of your system's capabilities, Then invest your bucks... Rick Antunnes turned me on the an on-line source for some good sound equipment.

Oh yeah, lots of base can shake your interior accessories loose, especially some of the Pep-Boy components! LOL!
Paul le Chaman
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