So "Canuck Bob" needs a new handle? Something better than Bob: IM S6?
Well, how about Canuck Bob?
Or Poutine Bob? Ooooo....Waffle fries with Gravy and Lobstah - Love it!
or Toque Bob? Real Canucks wear their Toque year round, right? "Hey! get your Toque! There's Weather Out!"
Dude's too old for Pablum, so THAT's out.....
Maybe Muskoka Bob? (Think an Adirondack Chair from Ontario)
Then there's always that wonderful MacKenzie brother term which could be "Hoser Bob" , but he's way too cool and cultured for that.
Maybe "Maple Bob" since Canada IS the hugest producer of Maple Syrup in the whole, entire world, especially in Ontario (which is just left of Vermont, almost, ya know?)
Ooo....Oooo...."BackBacon Bob"!! It's got a nice ring to it.
Beavertail Bob (it's a pastry - a really good one, too - been served at the White House!)
Maybe "Caesar Bob" (kinda like a BloodyMary the way Ming Tai makes them - with clam juice).
That's all I got for now - You'll have to carry on without me, Bob IM S6........
All I got left is "Spoofer Bob"
spo͞of/<input height="14" src="" type="image" width="14" />
gerund or present participle: spoofing
imitate (something) while exaggerating its characteristic features
"it is a movie that spoofs other movies"
hoax or trick (someone).
"they proceeded to spoof Western intelligence with false information"