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Hi Everyone,

I thought it is time I posted a few photos of my new car. This has been in process for about 18 months and I am headed to Vancouver to test drive the car in the 1st week of April.

 There is still some badging that needs to be installed,but for the most part, the car is finished.

If all goes good, I am going to drive the car down the coast in May and drop it off in Vegas and fly back to Chicago. I then may either ship it or fly back to Vegas and drive home depending on my schedule.



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Beautiful build, Tom.  Nice that you do a combination Speedster/Roadster approach, and of course the Pre-A look is the best (IMHO).  Henry does so many little touches in these cars to suit whatever the owner wants and needs.  Brings back memories of my own build.

I really like the Wide Five wheels, and the overall 'racing' look to the car.  Drive that car as it's meant to be driven...

Wide 5s with Porsche running gear up front.  Hallelujah.  I see a suby outlaw in my future.  Now if Henry could just figure out how to do a watercooled car without bumpers.   My car currently has the 914 running gear up front.  I switched out my 914 calipers for BMW 320i calipers.  Huge improvement in braking. If I was building another car with 914 parts up front I'd go with 1965-69 "M" style 911 calipers for solid rotors up front.  I wonder if Henry can do wide 5s with modern 911 parts like Bob and Marty's cars.  Bob you should inquire.  Bob, you're car would look incredible with wide 5s.

I know Henry is busy and likes to keep a low profile but Porsche front suspension with wide 5s is big stuff.  Better handling, more trunk space.  Inquiring minds (or lunatics like us) want to know.

I know Henry has ordered some special wide five wheels to fit on the 911 hubs, using special adaptors, but I assumed the adaptors would have to be covered with hub caps. 

I can't see how he has done what he has done with this set up, but I would be interested.  The only problem with wide fives is finding a tire shop that can handle them, for changing tires and for balancing.

You're right, Phil, I'd love wide fives on my car.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6
Panhandle Bob posted:
Bob: IM S6 posted:

Ray, Phil:

There are a couple of shots on the second page linked by Ray above, that show a wide five adaptor somehow attached to a four lug hub.  Not sure how it's done, but it was done.

You'll have to copy and paste this link:



Hey, Bob, it's Bob (I have to get another handle - but it can't be Panhandle).

What's the source of that shot?  That explains a lot, and I guess the adapter is hidden by the drum skins.  But it looks like the adaptors/wide five hubs that Henry uses are more robust than those ones.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6

That is what's on my car. I have been looking for ages for the flat head torx bolts to replace the four holding the 4 lug to 5 lug adapter to the disc brake system.

McMaster-Carr doesn't have them in the correct fine thread configuration to fit. Closest I could get was their #91294A440.

I want those flat heads so that I can run drum skins. As it is now, the bolts stick out so drum skins won't work. If you find the right bolts let me know.

By the way, I routinely check the system and though I have heard about issues with running adapters, these have been fine for the 5 or so years I have owned the car. No sign of wear or trouble with loosening up. Also pushes the wheels out and fills the arches well.

Last edited by Panhandle Bob

Bob, the rear brakes seem to be disk brake wide 5's  .... I no not how they were done but they are not adapters for sure.   They look like Empi, and with drumskins to make them look nice and match the front... 

For the front... in theory any hub could be sent to a machine shop and something could be done to accommodate wide 5's but ... who is going to sign off on them? 

It will be interesting to hear Tom or IM chime in on this one. 


brakes wide5



Images (1)
  • brakes wide5

So "Canuck Bob" needs a new handle?  Something better than Bob: IM S6?

Well, how about Canuck Bob?  

Or Poutine Bob?  Ooooo....Waffle fries with Gravy and Lobstah - Love it!

or Toque Bob?  Real Canucks wear their Toque year round, right?  "Hey!  get your Toque!  There's Weather Out!"

Dude's too old for Pablum, so THAT's out.....    

Maybe Muskoka Bob? (Think an Adirondack Chair from Ontario)  

Then there's always that wonderful MacKenzie brother term which could be "Hoser Bob" , but he's way too cool and cultured for that.

Maybe "Maple Bob" since Canada IS the hugest producer of Maple Syrup in the whole, entire world, especially in Ontario (which is just left of Vermont, almost, ya know?)

Ooo....Oooo...."BackBacon Bob"!!  It's got a nice ring to it.

Beavertail Bob (it's a pastry - a really good one, too - been served at the White House!)

Maybe "Caesar Bob"  (kinda like a BloodyMary the way Ming Tai makes them - with clam juice).

That's all I got for now - You'll have to carry on without me, Bob IM S6........

All I got left is "Spoofer Bob"

spo͞of/<input height="14" src="" type="image" width="14" />
gerund or present participle: spoofing
  1. 1
    imitate (something) while exaggerating its characteristic features 
    "it is a movie that spoofs other movies"
  2. 2
    hoax or trick (someone).
    "they proceeded to spoof Western intelligence with false information"


As to the car in the photos" "WOW!!"  So much put into that.  Engine just looks like it belongs in there.  Henry, and the other folks swinging over to water cooled, are slowly but surely chipping away at my old-school, gotta be air-cooled, what the Old Doktor did way of thinking.  Still, I  think that Henry's all-911-underpinnings Speedster is the epitome of the replica art, but ya know, this here one is pretty damn close.  Just not too cool on the roll bar.  Does not look like a real one (would not be strong enough to help much) and really does nothing, IMHO, to the appearance, which is otherwise immaculate.  Yeah I know: tough crowd here, sorry . . .

I really don't have a problem with an adapter on the front wheels as long as its robust.  But all of this stuff adds to extra weight for the front wheels.  I'd like to know if Vintage Motorcars aluminum wheels would work with this set up.  I could care less if the car has vw rear disc brakes.  Who cares about rear brakes.  The vw rear discs are fine.  If I build an IM outlaw I'll do everything I can to make the car as light as I can.  Would 911 running gear be great?  Sure it would.  But with a super light car the 914 stuff would be fine particularly if you can improve the crappy 914 front calipers. Like I said before the 65-69 911 "M" style calipers are stiffer that the 914 calipers and have bigger pistons (they actually use the same pads).  The wheels in my head are turning.

"Just not too cool on the roll bar.  Does not look like a real one (would not be strong enough to help much)"

Actually, Kelly, that roll bar is the same as on my car.  It's solid steel, with diagonal braces, and solidly anchored to the solid steel frame and special mounts that Henry welds to the frame.  

I am sure that Henry would not put a faux roll bar in one of his cars. 

I hope I never have to test it, but I'm fairly confident it would do its job.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6

Hi Guys,

 Thanks for the comments. here are a few details to hopefully answer some questions.

The car is outfitted with a 2.5 Suby motor and a 4 speed with a 3.44 ratio.

It does have disc brakes all around with wide 5's and a 914 front suspension. Henry tells me this is the 1st one he has done like this and he spent the time and did the r&d because of the demand from his customers.Now how he did it I am not sure, but will send him an email and post his answer once I get it.

My right foot was injured on a previous motorcycle accidents so I added the cruise control to help with discomfort on long trips.

I am a bigger guy so I put the roadster seats in which fit my body better.

 I also added the Intermeccanica Generation 2 liquid cooled platform with a 15 gallon gas tank, and front mounted twin radiators.

As for the roll bar, it is functional, with a 4 point attachment to the tubular chassis.

It also will have the Carrera badging when completed



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