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I tried something new today and I'll report in on how it works out. This may be an item of interest to those of you running 1776-1835-1915s and are interested in something new, carb wise.

My Parts guy ordered a pair of the new Solex 34s with electronic chokes for a VW powered Trike he is rebuilding. They sent him the 34s, and also sent a set of their new 38s with choke option (these came without the chokes. Anyway I was using one of his lifts to put in new tie rod ends and to set the toe-in when their UPS brought in the goodies.

Long story short, after doing the valves, plugs and oil, we joked about doing it and then seriously proceeeded to install the 38s on my 1776. He was already high on the 34s after reading some dyno report comparing them above the ICTs. Installation was a piece of cake. They used the exact same SCAT linkage I have with the ICTs... and after synching them they were as easy as ICTs to get "right". Basically, screw them in all the way, back out 2.5 turns and play from there. After maybe a half hour of messing with them I felt good about using them for running around this week. I'll let you know what I think after I give them a full workout. I took it easy driving home, but could feel a definite punch when getting around city traffic.

I posted this under non-technical, because my testing will be done by feel from the seat of the pants. I also am doing a job on the road chaff around the front bumper and nose. A little Primer fill, a little feathering, a little scruffing, a little black PPG and you'll never know they were there. That's the plan... I'll update that project here too.


OBTW my VS may go up for sale this Fall. I am getting closer to another build.

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I tried something new today and I'll report in on how it works out. This may be an item of interest to those of you running 1776-1835-1915s and are interested in something new, carb wise.

My Parts guy ordered a pair of the new Solex 34s with electronic chokes for a VW powered Trike he is rebuilding. They sent him the 34s, and also sent a set of their new 38s with choke option (these came without the chokes. Anyway I was using one of his lifts to put in new tie rod ends and to set the toe-in when their UPS brought in the goodies.

Long story short, after doing the valves, plugs and oil, we joked about doing it and then seriously proceeeded to install the 38s on my 1776. He was already high on the 34s after reading some dyno report comparing them above the ICTs. Installation was a piece of cake. They used the exact same SCAT linkage I have with the ICTs... and after synching them they were as easy as ICTs to get "right". Basically, screw them in all the way, back out 2.5 turns and play from there. After maybe a half hour of messing with them I felt good about using them for running around this week. I'll let you know what I think after I give them a full workout. I took it easy driving home, but could feel a definite punch when getting around city traffic.

I posted this under non-technical, because my testing will be done by feel from the seat of the pants. I also am doing a job on the road chaff around the front bumper and nose. A little Primer fill, a little feathering, a little scruffing, a little black PPG and you'll never know they were there. That's the plan... I'll update that project here too.


OBTW my VS may go up for sale this Fall. I am getting closer to another build.


I've seen these 38s, and wondered about them. Hot VWs did a little blurb on the 34s (comparing them to ICTs) and liked them. I'd really like know more about the 38s when you get a better feel for them.

This brings up an interesting discussion point- alternatives to Weber IDFs. I know IDFs are the cat's meow when set up properly, but a speck of dust, or a drop of water seems to send them into a death spiral that is more than I really want to deal with again. They seem to be prone to vacuum leaks also. My ICTs are SO friendly and easy to tune, but really limit the performance potential of even a 1776 to about 85 hp or so.

Kadron 40s are at least bigger, but rougher out of the box. I'd someday soon like to build a 2 liter engine that will make about 110- 140 hp, with gobs of torque- and I'd like it to be reliable as a hammer. I know that AJ Sims does some pretty neat things to Kadrons (like increase the throttle size to 48 if you want), but does anybody here have any experience with the more extensively worked Sims Kadrons in a stroker motor? His kits are not cheap when you get all the stuff he can do... and then there is the issue of the cheesy air-cleaner set-up. CSP makes a nice linkage if you run a doghouse, but a 911 set-up would require the use of the cheesy Kadron linkage too.

IMHO, what the world needs is a really nice, big dual 1 bbl carb set-up. Any ideas? I don't have close to 2K for the CB injection set-up that isn't even EFI. The price for a nice dual IDF 44 set-up went through the roof a couple of months ago. I wasn't wild about them before, and I'm just pretty reluctant to jump in the deep end with them again. I could use opinions and ideas.
I am going to get much debate here but.....I'm a fan of the Weber Progressive 2 BBL. Realizing that they can be a pain to dial in but. once they are, they do run and have an electric choke too. The hassle is that to install the Weber in a Speedster is that the inner liner of the deck lid has to be cut away a quarter of an inch larger diameter of the air cleaner....but the look of the chrome air cleaner does appear agressive.
What a beautiful day! Gayla and I headed out early for some breakfast tacos, real ones. Top down and 62', perfect. Came back on some roads that I could stretch the 38s and saw 5000 rpms come up in 4th faster than ever (I know, but it IS a 1776).

OU is playing the Oregon Ducks today and we have tickets. Bruce, I won't root for the Ducks, but if there are any dirty cheers I'll join in with gusto!

Report on the 38s so far, they ran great in town yesterday at 94' and this morning on open road they cruised smooth and only barked at the appropiate times. I sense a smoother run out of third and 2500, and I haven't found a stumble yet. They fired up on the first click and went into idle without a blip. And there is definitely more punch at mid rpms in every gear. SO far? So good.

Stan, I know what you mean. But I think AJs high end Kads would end up being more maint on a driver than a pair of properly set up 44s. I guess the Webers are just a trade off for getting more HP.

I'll tell you one reason I will go with a 2.1 - 2.2L engine in a new build. My long road trips required me to run at the 70-80% level for hours and hours... sometimes at the 85-90% level. That was with 3:88s. Now I am charmed or just have an exceptionally stout build, but I have really driven this 1776 more than about any 1776 in this club... and I keep looking for that plume of smoke some day. It hasn't happened..... lucky.

I want to go coast to coast next year, both meets, and maybe up to Oregon for the Camp Out. I am in a position where every single day counts (we all are, but mine is so real and so predictable, that time just screams for me to use it... rust never sleeps). I don't want the ultimate Speedster to do these things in, but I do want the power, and ride balance, and enough goodies to make it so much more fun. Thus a build.

Yesterday I was babying my VS... sorta like having a horse for those who ride. I was detailing it, changing the fluids, and setting up the tie rods, and new carbs, with a fondness for the car. Kirk built me a solid VS... I mean it is like NEW! I like to think he put a little extra into it... because when I ordered it, I had 3 months left on an 18 month prognosis... I told him all about it and how bad I wanted that car before I croaked. My wife, Gayla, is a great soul, and she fully supported my dream of a car that I might nott ever drive. THAT's the specialness of this car, and I am reminded of it every single day.... three years later. That's why it has carried me so far with such heart. Hell, I don't know whether to sell it or put it in a stall like a champion.

Ok, that may sound a little dramatic. But live through it like I have guys and you will also get that cargo cult attachment to magical things... like a black VS Speedster that would have set under covers as a monument to my dreams had I not been transplanted.

If I sell it... it will be selectively. I am currently going through everything... she will be right, if she goes on the blocks.

Three years later I am finding balance in the post transplant life. Last year at Knotts they had the meds so cranked up in fear, well I was swollen like a Pop'N-Fresh Boy. But now, they are confident in my endurance. I have gone three years without rejection, I am off 70% of the meds others take.. all due to a million in one match up. And I am in good shape. So now, I want the Speedster that I have a second chance at.. sometime soon you all will know what that is.

Reading back I see a connect with material things and life.... and that is not the way it is with me. I can consume... my nest eggs allow a little of that. But, in reality there are not many things in life I want outside of health and happiness for my family, and maybe a Speedster Replica in my garage.

Anyway, I did not mean to get on a serious rant on such a beautiful day here in Red Dirt Country... I need to get things going for the game, Go Sooners, Muck the Ducks! Jim
Jim Bob,

They are giving OK the game but also 27 points on the spread. Lots of people up here are jumping on that one realizing the Ducks will probably be shot out of the sky but not by 27 points. Don't know what uniform they will be wearing but the one version of green and yellow is butt ugly awful. Green and yellow can look good, ala G.B. Packers, but whoever did the Ducks uniforms should be dumped in a duck pond. Ducks looked ugly last week, doubtful about the coaching team there, lots of talent on the team, good QB and fast recievers and decent defense, who knows. As they say, any given Saturday or Sunday!

I think I know what you are going thru about a new Speedy, I agonized over mine for a long time and then bit the bullet. Even with the "blow" on the grapevine it was one of my better decisions. This year the goal is to make it to the Knotts show field and I have a cell phone that almost guarentees it! I think you deserve a new one, easy for me to say with your money but with Leader getting a new one and you on the verge, it has me thinking too. I may have a line on a 74 911S that belongs to a couple I've met up here. I am thinking that he wants to trade for my JPS, big decision. It only has 55,000 miles on it and it is in super shape, good runner, white with a black interior, not my fav colors but since it was a garage queen all its life I can overlook the colors.

I have been wondering about driving my car down to Knotts after the disaster last spring but if you and Rick Davis are going to do the drive, I'm in too! Now all we need to do is find someone to pass the Knotts torch to. John and I have decided to let someone else have the fun in 05. Actually not too much work involved as we are a show within a show. Just need some people to step up to the plate. John and I are willing to pass on any tips or whatever to some of you SoCal guys who may have your own ideas.

You are keeping the faith Jim, now all we have to do is get Kerry up in the polls, hopefully peaking just in time for the November election!

Bruce, another vet for Kerry!

Many years ago, the ex of one of my cousins had a stock, 1600 Super Beetle while stationed in Norfolk, VA in the Navy. He was VERY attached to his family and girl friend back in central Massachusetts and used to commute back and forth about every other weekend. He regularly made the trip in sub-nine hours, traveling at 85 - 90+mph for most of the trip (you do things like this when you're young and immortal).

After he did this for about a year (well over 20 round trips) it began to run rough and lose power (like he could only sustain 75 - 80mph most of the time) so, on one of his three-day trips home, we were ready for him and pulled the engine. One exhaust valve was about 50% gone, and the other three were in pretty rough shape. He had already bought a rebuild kit, including a new set of bearings, heads, barrels and pistons, and we did a weekend tear-down, rebuild and re-assembly and had him back on the road by Noon on Monday for the return trip.

He ran that car for another 6 or 7 months of round trips, finally getting transferred to Quonsett Point in Rhode Island and selling the car to another swabby (I lost track of it, then).

If he could do THAT to a 1600, over and over again, I'm not too surprised that your 1776 keeps ticking - it's not THAT much more than stock. You both run upwards of 4500 a lot, but I was always told that high revs don't kill engines anywhere near as fast as prolonged heavy acceleration in lower gears. I'm wondering how long my 2110 will last, as my idea of "beating on it" is far less than what other people might think - that's not necessarily a bad thing!!

I also keep wondering about John Hallstands suby-tub as the basis of a long-range cruiser. Given the right seats and creature comforts, a 200 hp suby-based 356, either coupe or Speedster, set up with the ideas we've all shared on this forum might be just the thing.

While I can't afford right now to join you guys in the "lets buy a new 356" club, it'll be interesting to watch you spend your money and live vicariously through YOU guys!

One of the Speedstah Guys from Rhode Island
Hey Jim,

OK did indeed win but didn't cover the point spread so guess some of my neighbors are having a bittersweet day, tears in their beer about the team getting waxed but drinking the good stuff cause they will collect.

If you indeed go up to Vancover after Knotts then we'll "get us a caravan!" Something to keep on the burner for sure.

I will be at Knotts in this VS or a new build. That, is something you can put money on!!!!! There may be a chance that I may drive to Knotts from Vancouver.... now think about that Bruce!

Your Ducks are a solid team. The Samoans on defense are ass kickers.

Jim Ward,
Vets For Kerry (anyone but Bush)
Bob... me too! We restore antique furniture, but not as a hobby. We are in it more for the items that have some meaning or attachment to our lives. Cars have that same value to me. That's what makes this a hard decision. There was another car like that for me: I bought a new 240Z after my tours and hospital time following the Southeast Asian War Games. It was my first new car and it also meant so much after the military experience. I met my wife in that car... although it would be a few more years before I settled down.. well got married.

Anyway, I think I know what you mean. I can hardly pass any old car without driving back to look at it... even a homely DeSoto. And I'll bet all of us remember the smell of the interiors of our Grandparents cars. My grandson, age 4, knows more about Speedsters than he does many things. I like to think that some day, he will recall the rides I've taken him on in both the Speedster and the 54 3100 1/2T.

One thing I know for sure? We are a lucky generation to have grown up with the lure of Route 66 and family vacations by car.. In some ways I think many of us are replicating the simplicity of those days in our Speedsters. A little escape from the madness of the 21st century.
Bruce, your Ducks are a far better team than the score indicated. Your QB is a future Sunday star, and the defense is solid, except at the Safetys. Your corners played too soft early and got burned, but I would put money that the Ducks do well in the PAC. In fact 2nd or 3rd wouldn't surprise me.. and I think the PAC is probably more solid than the Big 12 this year. Anyway, I'd never bet an OU spread of 20-30... or any other team for that matter. But I will bet OU takes the conference and then maybe the title.

Oh, and the trip... Vancouver? Southbound if all goes well Bruce. Ponder on that. There are a few factors left, like telling (asking, groveling) my wife, but I think I am real close to just doin' it.

Knotts? I would hope that you all would do it if you got more of us in early cash wise. You, John, and Theron made a great thing happen and your experience will be needed this coming year.

Vets For Kerry,
Gordon, That is a cool story about that bug. And I think you are RIGHT. These babies will take a little thrashing if they are put together right. I'm going to quote George Brown here and say the Mantra... Good Parts-Balanced Build, Good Parts-Balanced Build, Good Parts-Balanced Build, Good.....

And I am careful on the other things... keep the revs up, don't bog it, find your power where it doesn't bite the drive train (except on the right occasion), and do the 3,000 mile PMs like religion.

Money for builds? Man, I couldn't top Georges, or John Leader's great builds. I really like what each of them did... in fact John's color selection was my secret 1st choice. And then there's the styles in Scott's carver, that latest Beck GT, and Dales classic. Anyway, about $$. Man I am in this thing just like everyone else. I can name a dozen used CMCs, IMs, VS, Becks, JPS, that I think are just kick ass. My VS is just fine and I'd drive it another decade except I want something that I can really make some of those hauls in. But prestige or coolness? It's like Street Rods... some of the best rods are old roadsters and coupes in primer on an old bell front end, a flathead, 9" rear on Leafs, and two rough seats set in an empty interior. Everyone remembers the 55 on Two Lane Black-Top.. very few recall the last 30G 55 they saw at a car show.

Anyway, this is a great hobby, or whatever we call it!


I wish I had a picture of it to send along, but a friend of mine has a '34 Ford Panel Truck....chopped 4", lowered to the weeds, 350/hydromatic, Jaguar rear-end, set of OLD Cragers for wheels, Metallic Green paint, Gorgeous interior with all the get the drift.

Anyway, he lives in Central Massachusetts and every year does the National Street Rod meet, where-ever it is, ALSO does the Pomona show, the shows in Houston, Miami, etc, (he's a show judge and has a line of nostalgia Street Rod parts (, All the while commuting to all of these in his Truck - I think, last I heard, that he had hit over 35 states with the thing. He's owned it for over 30 years, and now has over 500,000 miles on it, still going strong. Drops in a new drive train every 8 - 10 years or so and keeps on going. And there are a LOT of other, really high-mileage street rods out there, so why not a 356?

Set 'em up right, drive 'em right and they last (no matter what they are).

OK, southbound from Vancover. My senior, febble mind finally clicked in and I'm on the same page as you. You probably could pick up strong contingent of B.C. tubbies, then Scott in Portland, Me in Eagle Point, Eddie Janis in Redding, Brian, Gary, Dale and Paul down around Sac, my God we'd have us a convoy!

Re the Ducks, first thing they need is a proper coach but that is another story. I get a kick out of the names of the teams here. Ducks
are the U of Oregon, Beavers are the of Oregon State U. in Corvallis.
Do you claim to be a Beaver fan, But of course! Love that name!

Stay well and see if we can screw a Bush.

Bruce, the Eagle Point Guy

Very cool! I think ther is really something wrong with me when a stink-bug green 50 year old car sets my heart a flutter, but that thing really is beautiful.

Back to the carb thing...

I talked with AJ Sims today, and I'm getting more and more sold on the Kadron kit with the big throttle plates, and I'm thinking of having him build the entire motor. He is big on plenumn-based carbs, rather than individual runner carbs for motors built for peak torque (which is what I want). The full kit with the 46mm throttle plates is right at the dual IDF kit price, but it would be set-up for exactly what I'm after- HIGH TORQUE. I'll keep you posted, but I'm really leaning in this direction.
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