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I just discovered a great new service offered by the California CHP - apparently mainly for the owners of Speedsters and other roadsters.


Without asking, they will check the accuracy of your speedometer, record their findings in a small certificate, and stop you while you're driving to deliver the certificate. For some reason, they also record the posted speed limit if it differs from what your speedo was reading.


After receiving no such service for many years, driving a variety of less conspicuous cars, I was serviced just this morning - at 8:00 o'clock on a Sunday morning - on only the third drive I've ever taken in my new Speedster. Maybe they notice the 'Speedster' on the side of the car and figure the speedo should be checked?


As I soon found out, though, there is a substantial charge for this service. I guess nothing is free anymore.


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A similar thing happened to me while driving my IM, but with a more happier ending.  I was driving along a very straight stretch of empty freeway at about 20 mph over the limit.    Glancing in my rear view mirror I noticed a vehicle way back and it was gaining on me at a rapid pace.  I'm doing 85 fast is this guy going?

I was 99% sure it was a cop, so I slowed down to the speed limit and waited.  Sure enough, it was a cop car and when he finally caught up to me he paced me in the fast lane for a minute or so.  Finally, I heard his voice over his loud speaker, "Nice car.....I used to own one." 

Then he accelerated away.


Originally Posted by Ron O, 1984/2010 IM, B.C. Canada:

A similar thing happened to me while driving my IM, but with a more happier ending.  I was driving along a very straight stretch of empty freeway at about 20 mph over the limit.    Glancing in my rear view mirror I noticed a vehicle way back and it was gaining on me at a rapid pace.  I'm doing 85 fast is this guy going?

I was 99% sure it was a cop, so I slowed down to the speed limit and waited.  Sure enough, it was a cop car and when he finally caught up to me he paced me in the fast lane for a minute or so.  Finally, I heard his voice over his loud speaker, "Nice car.....I used to own one." 

Then he accelerated away.


Wonder if he owned a replica or a real one. I'm thinking a replica based on what those poor guys make a year.

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