Here's the fix.
Start by removing the distributor cap. Next remove the valve cover on the #1 cylinder. (The cover on the passenger side) Using a large wrench, rotate the engine clockwise until you see the #1 intake valve start to close (4 valves per head and if you're looking at the valve train, it's the valve right under the intake port closest to the front of the car) As that valve closes, turn the engine clockwise about 180 degree's until the TDC mark appears at the 12 o clock position.
Your engine is now at TDC #1.
Install or move your distributor so the notch on the body of the distributor and the rotor are lined up. Install your distributor cap and install the #1 into the distributor hole where the rotor is positioned. Looking straight down on the distributor, the next wire to install is the #4 just to the left of the #1 wire (clockwise) then the #3 and finally the #2. Cylinders are located as per the following. #1 is closest to the firewall on the passenger side, #2 is located closest to the rear of the car on the passenger side, #3 is located closest to the firewall on the drivers side and #4 is located closest to the rear of the car on the drivers side.
You can now time your car by starting it, holding the rpm's at 3,000 and locking down the distributo at 28 degree's before TDC. (28 degree mark is located to the right of the TDC mark)