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i mounted mine above the left axle, horizontally, just behind the firewall. it's a 72 plate with fan, so there is lots of room for air movement.

I can tell you - on a CMC, it's a squeeze to fit a 72 plate with fan in there. I had to weld my own bracket to fit it in there. it bolts to the main frame rails.

I didn't want to put it in the wheel well (didn't want to see it / rocks to hit it)
John - very nice setup. Two questions:

Looks like you have some very desireable extra oil capacity. What problems do you anticipate when purging the system of air during oil changes?

Are you using some "outlaw" air intakes on the front of the body, or just scooping air up from below the body to cool those little puppies?

Eddy, I have the StreetBeast and mounted the oil cooler above the left rear wheel. I cut out a panel from the glass just above the axle, very close to the firewall. In fact, the threaded fittings pass through the wall and the hoses are connected in the engine compartment. The cooler itself sits behind where the glass panel was (parallel with the tire) with the fan mounted behind it and pushing air toward the tire. I got a piece of expanded sheet metal (the flat thin sheet metal with diamond shaped holes) and covered the fins of the cooler. The car is sitting on the floor of the shop in a crowded corner right now, or I would post a picture. This mounting method was recommended by Dr. Merklin--so it must be right.
Dave, I haven't experienced any air entrainment problems thus far and I'm really not doing anything special to purge air. The "ram" air comes through the horn grilles (the horns are relocated)...and under the front end. I have no ducting directing the air.

I have since double clamped the hose per Gordon's suggestion. Although I am sure there are different and better ways of accomplishing this, I am merely showing one old guys way of externally cooling oil.


Images (3)
  • Speedster Stuff 064
  • Speedster Stuff 048
  • Speedster Stuff 053
John, thanks for the reply. I always wanted one of their chassis, very innovative, had their flyer for years, but by the time I had the scratch they were no longer making the chassis....and I missed one a couple of years ago on the samba for pretty short money.....I continue to keep my eyes open, but I am well underway with a conventional Speedster (my 3rd) as well as continue with my Spyder, so I am thinking I don't really need a Metalcraft chassis, but if I find one.....

How do you like yours? Any issues to speak of?

thanks and regards,

Jim, I've been very happy with the chassis and have experienced no problems. I met Bob Sweat when I picked up my chassis at his shop in Michigan. He was the president and chief interesting guy. He built a lot of CMC based Speedsters using his chassis and Mazda rotary engines that sold for a premium in Singapore. I am aware of four others on this forum who have MC chassis': Jim Heaney, Ron Fish, Craig Smith, and Bob Rose. There are probably others, unknown to me.
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