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I hope I'm asking this in the correct location. I'm on the brink of having my own 356 and am curious about something. One of the cars I'm really interested in has short intake manifolds and the IDAs turned around making the engine a couple of inches narrower (per the current owner). Can you pull the engine on a 356 without taking the carbs and manifolds off?

As I'm sure most all of you know, with a bug the carbs have to come off to get the engine in and out.

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     I have a VS with dual 44 IDF's on CB big beef intakes. I just pulled and reinstalled the engine without taking off the carbs or air cleaners. The trick was pulling the right axle tube out of the spring plate and rotating it up and over the top of the plate. This was because the heat exchanger hit the axle tube where the heater hose attaches to it when we turned the engine at about a 10 degree angle to get the carbs by the frame.

      The other tight spot was the alternator pulley but if you keep inching the engine towards the bell housing it will clear.  This wasn't so bad for me because I had the transaxle out before and hadn't tightened the axle tubes up yet.  Once the carbs are up through the frame you can straighten the engine out and install it to the transaxle normally.  If you don't have heat exchangers or if the heat exchangers are off the engine you won't have to mess with the axle tube.


Last edited by Fpcopo VS

If anyone is at that stage where they are about to buy a Weber 44 carb kit from CB have them send the "space Saver" manifolds. This makes it Easy Peasy to jerk the engine in or out. These manifolds were designed to be used in the older VWs like split and oval windows where there is virtually NO room to get to the Idle jets on the outside next to the side fire walls. These manifolds are the same as the others except the angle has been milled differently to make the carbs lean closer to the fan shroud. Also the carbs are turned 180 degrees on the manifolds so you have to mount the throttle levers on the opposite ends of the carbs. Another piece of cake to do as well. They also come with a different hex bar mount on the air cleaner base and the hex bar has to be shortened too. Lastly, you have to use the small 36 HP shroud.  On mine I made extensions on the Idle jet holders. See photos..........Bruce


Images (4)
  • Idle Jet Installed
  • Idle jet photo 1
  • Idle Jet Photo 3
  • Idle Jet Photo 5

Bruce, it figures you would want those manifolds, you are, I believe, the worlds record holder for the most installs and removals of the VW motor in a faux Speedster, or any Speedster for that matter!

I ruined a perfectly good stubby screwdriver (cut 1" off the handle) trying to get it between the VS side-firewall and idle mixture screws while balancing the carbs Saturday, then I found one for $.98 (free shipping too) on Fleabay. It was called, get this: a mini stubby screwdriver...what an embarrassing name (if it was a boy)!

Not much room in these suckers, in oh so many ways...

Oh, and I agree with Bill, I don't want to be pushing and pulling and yanking and banging anywhere near my Webers! They come off, go in a dust-proof box and go back on once everything's situated again.

Last edited by Will Hesch

Will...Yeah...I get a little picky when I don't like the way things are or work the way I think they should. That's in addition to my own screw-ups or negligence too. It's really nice to not have to partially disassemble anything when removing the engine or cleaning out the Idle jets. BUT , wouldn't you know, now that everything is the way I like it, I don't have to do it frequently any more. Zippers would have been perfect for a while there !! Ha Ha.

I really like my car and like some others have mentioned here. I too sneak out and just take a look at Rhonda. I love to drive it and really do think up excuses to take it out some where. Next Saturday morning I will drive down to Orange County Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa to a "Cars N Coffee". I have to leave here at 6am to get a good parking spot. That's OK because right now the weather is perfect to do this. I honestly haven't had the top up since I put this car on the road !..............Cheers to everyone............Bruce

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