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Re: the periodic rehash of topics

I think we are working down to every 30 days or so on some of this. I sometimes log on wondering what topic we'll be covering again today. Lets see... I know- Whats the best manufacturer?!? Should I get a Type 1 or a Type 4?

I suggest we create a spreadsheet with common questions or forum topics in the fields, and post them on the photo section. Everyone could get their own, and we could play (drum roll please)- Speedsterowners BINGO!

In the absence of that, could we all just move on?
Ron O.
For the record I agree that the porsche script has got to go....
I tried talking Kirk into creating VINTAGE logo to replace the
porsche logo and he said it is not cost effective....
If someone has the wherewithall to create Vintage script I for one
will buy it to replace all my porsche logo, which I also did not
and would not have put on my car, but I bought it used....
I like the design of the body and the reliability of the VW, I
would have purchased it if it was made by Yugo....OK that may be
a stretch, my point is I drive a replica and I am at ease with that views of porsche owners is well known on this site....
If I have offended anyone on this site.....I will sleep well tonight..
I was driving my speedster across town today, and much to my suprize. I see another silver speedster. The owner was nice enough to come out of the resturant he was at to greet me. Turns out there is a porsche club meeting in rapid city this weekend. And his car is an authentic 55 speedster. So i asked him what he thought about the emblem issue. He suprized me by saying he did not think it a big deal as long as if someone asks if it is real. you tell them no it is a replica. In fact he even said after taking a close look at my vitage. That he thought it was a very good replica. His one point of contention concerning replicas had to do with a car show in canada. The judges gave the best in show award to a cobra replica. And i agree with him. Against an original a replica should never be considered over that original in a show event.
I do think that a set of vintage script emblems is a great idea. and i would buy a set.
David, I thought I told you not to mention the metal plate....
John, to answer your question, I tried most of the imposter/clone/memorex/plastic/glass/ type plates I could think of,
all were rejected...
My wife and I have this thing where when we see something we will
sometimes add a MR to it...example, one day we were driving and saw
a giant whale balloon with an advertisement on it and my wife says
"look at MR whale"...The car is a 356 hence the MR356, If I someday
get the coupe I want, the plate will go on the coupe.....
no matter how you shake it, its a 356.....clone or whatever....
my plate does not say MR PORSCHE.....
I have nothing against Porsche, They make a great car, in my neck of the woods "most" porsche owners are snobs, and I don't like snobs
it also appears to me that "some" of the members here think their
speedsters are porsche's and they are matter what they do to them....
I just like giving people a reality check, plus I'm just plain mean..
Vince, you wrote: "The car is a 356 hence the MR356, If I someday
get the coupe I want, the plate will go on the coupe.....
no matter how you shake it, its a 356.....clone or whatever....
my plate does not say MR PORSCHE."

It's definitely NOT a Porsche, but it IS a 356. I guess "MR ILLOGICAL" is too many letters.
You're right, Vince. Yankin' people's chains is kinda fun.
I say when Vinnie wants to cut his trademark fart in a crowed room he (or others) do so in the "Anything Goes" area of this site and not create a stink in an otherwise peaceful thread. If someone feels strongly about something they should articulate it, but to monkey-wrench a thread for the hell of it is selfishness.
I have owned a 911 coupe, a 911 targa, a 924, a 924s and a 944. I kept them all in great shape(at great expense), drove them only in good weather and parked in the north fourty to avoid dings. Insurance cost me almost as much as the cars. I looked at 356s with wistful desire but knew that for a guy that likes to drive his toys, it was not going to happen.

My new(to me)speedster has all the accelleration and fun that I want and I can drive it all the time. That is when I am not shooing insterested spectators out of the way. Yes it is a replica but only your hairdresser knows for sure. When they ask if it is real, I merely smile and say, "If you have to ask....."

If you are the host of a late night talk show, maybe you can aford to buy a $55,000 bauble to sit in your storage vault with your other treasures. As for me, I accept what my 356 replicar is and the fun it gives me daily.


Images (1)
  • 356 qtr front view

It is not that we disagree with you, (well, at least some of the time), but we have heard this sermon from you for a very long time and
I don't know what you are trying to prove by playing the devils advocate on this site. I think most of us are growing weary of your rants about things that aren't worth ranting about.

My 2 cents, Bruce
Freedom of Speech: The other day I heard a thing on the radio (might have been NPR) talking about freedom of speech and how everyone quotes that first amemdment right to free speech.

Here is the actual text:

"Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The person on the radio made the point that the first amendment only guarantees that the goverment does not throw you in jail, tortue you or oppress you for what you say. It does not allow you a free pass to be an asshole to other people, because they have the right to shut you up. (You can be an asshole to the goverment though, thank God for that).

(Just stirring the pot to see if we can break a record with this thread).

I didn't look at this over the weekend, but I KNEW when I looked at it again, I would see "Freedom of Speech" appear in the thread. I believe very strongly in Freedom of Speech, I also believe Freedom of Speech is NOT absolute and unconditional. I believe the speaker must accept the responsibility for the content and effect of their speech, i.e.; slander, obscenity, yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theatre and so on. Saying any darn thing that pops into your head and then hiding behind "Freedom of Speech" doesn't fly. And finally, I believe that due to the effect of inflation, the cost of a new IM has probably risen slightly since this tread began.
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