After following this forum for a year or so and looking at 356 replicas for many years, I have just taken delivery of a 356 wreck that was pretty much bought unseen that I'm starting to renovate.
I was pleasantly surprised to find it has a type 4 engine in it, albeit it looks like a fairly rough conversion.
The cars electrics don't work and the soft top is perished but It runs but the push rod seals are leaking - the first job to address.
I am not familiar with type 4 engines or what's been converted. So have some questions after some pics
So some questions
- I presume the item circled in red above is part of the heating system and can be removed?
- has anyone got alink to a good parts diagram for this engine - struggled to google one
- any way of finding CC of engine without removing heads?
- Is it possible to get a blanking plate for the petrol pump on the front of the engine as its still in place and the car has an electric one
- there is an oil cooler at the back of the tin ware - is this a good place to put it?
- in the picture below of the boot lid: inside the grill is a ledge to catch water - which it does. But there is no drain, so it just fills up with water. Is there supposed to be a drain of some sort?
- Any other thoughts about things wrong in the photos that need sorting?