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Since there are no side curtains to accommodate the only 'fitting' would be to the width and curve of the windshield and the curve of the turtledeck just above the top edge of the engine lid...and these (especially the windshield) are samo-samo regardless of makes.


The only nut that would need cracking is the rear window.


Oliver fabricated a unique opening that won't accept an off the shelf component. Now...If he were to modify that so an VW oval window could pop in!!!! 





Thanks guys 

just need a bit of help with engine noise please 

wanna go to show in 7 days & cars only done few miles due to engine noise  what should I do  

history on engine the guy who had it before me fitted loads a new parts but I counld nt get it started & very tight  in the end stripped & found he had cam in wrong & the new pistons & barrels had lil surface rust cleaned & lubed ,end float bearing slack in casing so fitted bush for a tighter fit  put back together started first time  this was done about 9 months ago before finishing build  

so do I do the 40 mile trip to show or pull motor out & fix it before 

vid of noise

If it were mine, I would pull the engine and fix it before any trips.  It might be bad but salvagable now.....if you take it on the road it might do something SERIOUSLY bad and then be a much bigger deal to fix (Like a rod through the case - yuck).


I know that you just want to get out there and show it off, but giving another week to get the engine perfect before you head out might save you grief for the rest of the summer. Just my two pence.

Hey oly, do you have access to a stethoscope?  That clacking is either a rod or your valvetrain and that tool would take 5 seconds to diagnose.  Hard to pinpoint on my cell.  Have you adjusted the valves?  Are the pushrods chromoly?

Another option I'm sure you already thought of is borrow another motor.  Lots of vw guys have extra motors, heck you have another car right?

Hope you get it sorted.

ah thanks  mate ! me too ,just managed to drop engine out was a bit of a struggle on own but did it  I think am gonna bench run it & ye borrow some stuff to see if I can diagnose before stripping ,also cant get my head around way my strobe gun wouldnt work on timing  It did when I timed it 9 months ago  al keep yall updated 

This is a next time kind of answer, since you’ve already pulled the heart (engine) out of this beauty.


Take the fan belt off and start her up, put a pillow or the sole of you shoe tight against the end of the exhaust pipe and listen. Shut it off.


Next, pop both valve covers and take the oil cap off, restart her…, again doing the above and again listen. Is it a whine, clatter, thump a ping, hiss…, is it rhythmic, or does it sound like a gremlin trapped inside the engine case trying to beat his way out with a mallet.


All of that said; hope it’s not too bad.


David    /    dd-ardvark

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