I would like to hear some feedback as to the various titling options along with the pros and cons.
I'll be titling my JPS Coupe in Texas.
Option 1
Since my Coupe is pan based, I can just title it with the donner pan's title (68 VW). Texas regs would then require a yearly safety inspection (lights, turn signals, horn, etc) that includes a check that "original emissions equipment" are present. No emissions testing is required (25+ year old car).
Option 2
Texas recently passed the SEMA custom car registration law. If I go this route, the car will be title as a 1957 model year, with the make listed as "Replica". I will only need a one time inspection by an ASME mechanic to verify the construction integrity and basic safety equipment (has to meet 1957 regs).
This route involves some more hoops to jump through.. such as a verification the frame, engine and trans are not stolen, and I have to have the car weighed, etc.
The unusual thing with going this route is I can not find any information that states how I will be taxed by going this route. It appears I would not be taxed. That would be too good to be true.
So.. what opinions do you have regarding option 1 or option 2?