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That's a dog house for a big freakin' dog!

It's actually a Wellfleet oyster shack from the 1800's. Probably the last one. They prossesed oysters there and sent them to Boston and N.Y. I've seen photos of boxcars full of oysters being shipped out in their hayday, before they tore out the railroad. Now it's a bike path. (I bet they wish they had the trains back)
OK so here is my favorite picture of my new car. It was taken on July 12 in Ukeelet on Vancouver Island, BC at the lighthouse.

Other than the 235hp "Beast" motor the best thing is I can get two airline sized carry-on suitcases in the trunk along with a backback and not even pack anything behind the seats.

This my friends is the perfect road car. Not yet a month old and it already has almost 3,500 miles on it!


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