I'm getting ready to purchase my first 356 speedster replica, but I'm still a little apprehensive. I went down to Vintage Speedsters this past weekend, and talked with Curt he was cool, i saw alot of very nice cars. I have a few questions i've owned classic cars in the past, but never a speedster replica. To name a few I've owned a 69 912,a 58 356 with original sunroof, also i just sold a very nice 64 chevelle ss convertible, Have any of you ever owned other classic cars and how do they compare to the 356 speedster replica.
What kind of response do you get from these cars, i would amagine the initial response is good until you tell them it's a replica ? or that just doesn't matter to most people ? I realize there's quite a lot of them out there.
I live in Corona,California were do some of you guys gather i would like to take a ride in one, i haven't even been in one.
What about The reliability of VW motor what kind of Mileage can you get out of one, assuming it's a good rebuilt to start with. In my porsche 912 i had 1720 cc motor 120 h.p that was absolutely bullet proof, i ran the heck out of that car, i put 65,000 miles in 5 yrs. before i sold it.
Thanks, Art