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Jog over to the Knotts show tomorrow where there will be quite a gathering of speedsters !( see the home page here for details )

As for parts sources any of the vendors listed in this site JPS Vintage Speedsters Beck, IM etc.

Welcome to the group you'll find help here and also check past posts in each area for tech and advice!

Well you have discovered the primary source of information, this site.
I got interested in a speedster last may and my search has been comprised of this site, the internet, Kirk at Vintage Speedsters and the telephone or course.
With these pieces I compiled a 3 inch thick folder of information that can tell you almost everything you want to know, from how likely it is that my engine will catch on fire, to what kind of switch is best.
It's actually a lot of fun to pursue speedster knowledge, I can discuss suppliers, builders, pieces, and manufacturer, domestic and in Europe and New Zealand.
The owners are always helpful and eager to share information also.
Study all the photos posted here they are a fantastic source of details and ideas.
You are on the right track good luck and enjoy the adventure.

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