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Hi all, Thought I would introduce myself and my project. So go figure I am an American living in the UK building a speedster to share on your site.


Project started out as a combination of thoughts I have had over the last twenty years but never had the time or money. Everything is explained here; Really enjoyed the work so far. Sometimes go a little too far into the dark side!


Merry Christmas

Last edited by Greg356a
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Wow, Greg:  I got so many ideas from those pictures!  


Looks like you're into it for a couple of years, now, so has the body been mounted yet?  


Terrific amount of thoughtfulness in how you've carried out your visions and your metal working skills are to be envied.


Great work, and Happy Holidays!



The Speedstahguy from New England

Christmas Sunset 1


Images (1)
  • Christmas Sunset 1


Yes they are original BBS from Germany. They are 7 and 8x16 inch with porsche 5x130mm stud pattern. Tyres are Toyo's 225/50/16 and 205/55/16. I wanted something a little different to Fuch and the tyre diameter should not affect the 911 speedometer too much. When the GRP wide arches arrive I will know if the tyre/ rims fill them or whether I will need some spacers. 



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