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When doing research for myself...I was looking to find pictures showing as much detail as I can and to compare what is out there in the way of "who is building what" and to "what detail" and quality.


I did a forum search for RCH Hellas and found nothing on these if this is old new I am sorry.  But take a look.


For new guys like me just getting started this is a good place full of high detailed closeups of engines and interiors.


When I finally purchase my kit and start to build it...I will be spending a lot of time at this site.  Look at the gas cylinders they use for the front and rear deck lids!!!  Fantastic and give me a great idea for my car.



Last edited by Zulu
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Originally Posted by Rich Drewek:

Yes, Zulu, I agree. Some different approaches to things on many of their cars. You are aware they are in Greece?

Yes, i know, to bad for us in the US.  I just thought that they had amazing offerings.  They seem to be the premier builder OR at least trying to position themselves a such.


I mean just look at their detail and look at all their options.  Really they have put together a website and product offering much like a BIG company.  They have scale in options, multiple entry points for the wallet, differing levels of cars per category.


Like getting a base model, then an LE, then an EX, then a "signature" offering.


Look at Lotus' web site. 


These guys are much the same...I can't say what the end product quality is but that website sure speaks volumes.


The reason why I posted them here was to show us (myself included) some of the neat options and small details they add.  Dont know why but I just love the Gas spring idea in the front and rear decks.  Oh and the lightening holes in the rear see the precision and placement of each hole???  The carpet under the front deck, disc brakes, all eurathane bushings and so on.  On the carrera they cut a hole in the front deck lid for the gas filler.


We did the same thing on this "racing" version of this 911 we built.




In 1 car (light blue) you see in the rear seat area (look under interior section) back padding?  Before I even saw this, I told my wife that I was already going to add those 2 pads.


I plan on upgrading a lot of my car like these...going to take it to shows and such.


Just a tinkerer by nature.





Images (1)
  • singerdesign911_01
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