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Theron, my name is Gene and I'm the guy from the Houston area that met you at Paso Robles (right about the time 4 or 5 kids were all crawling through your brand new speedster).

I just wanted to comment on how nice everyone at the show was. Everyone (including yourself) that I met was both friendly and informative. So much so that I closed my deal with Kirt today for my brand new speedster.

Look forward to visiting with you again sometime.

Gene in Texas
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Theron, my name is Gene and I'm the guy from the Houston area that met you at Paso Robles (right about the time 4 or 5 kids were all crawling through your brand new speedster).

I just wanted to comment on how nice everyone at the show was. Everyone (including yourself) that I met was both friendly and informative. So much so that I closed my deal with Kirt today for my brand new speedster.

Look forward to visiting with you again sometime.

Gene in Texas
Thanks so much for all of the replies. I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you better as time goes by.

I just talked to Kirk today (he called me after getting my overnight package with check and go-ahead letter).

We talked about colors and options and he said I should begin getting pictures next week.

I'll post them as we go!

If "not kid friendly" means being unwilling to let youngsters act in an impudent fashion and being disrespectful of others' possessions then I must be "not kid friendly", too. I love to show my cars and encourage kids to set in them and get their pictures taken but I will not put up with them acting like my pride and joy is a cheap ride at Disneland.

I am with Theron on my feeling that those kids were way out of line.
Michael, nice to know you. I go to Katy Mills Mall occasionally so maybe one of these days and I can get a look at your car. And Theron, I can't help but notice that I'm the only one in this group of messages without one of those nifty little yellow smiley faces that says "contributing member". How can I fix that?

You can click on "Donating Member" if you wold like to find out more info.

As far as kid friendly. I am more kid friendly than most. I welcome little ones into my car to sit, pretend they are driving etc. However, I have to draw the line at trying to start the car and pull the mirrors off with both hands. I remember being small, but also being respectful of others things that were not mine. They were the only kids of the day that pushed it.

There was one little boy who asked very politely if it was my car, and then commented on how pretty it was. I of course offered to let him sit in it, start it with my help, and throttle the engine a few times.

Yes I have another speedster, I have just been very quiet due to the tendency of some to point bias towards a manufacturer. Facts are, one manfacturer made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
You can click on "Donating Member" if you wold like to find out more info.

As far as kid friendly. I am more kid friendly than most. I welcome little ones into my car to sit, pretend they are driving etc. However, I have to draw the line at trying to start the car and pull the mirrors off with both hands. I remember being small, but also being respectful of others things that were not mine. They were the only kids of the day that pushed it.

There was one little boy who asked very politely if it was my car, and then commented on how pretty it was. I of course offered to let him sit in it, start it with my help, and throttle the engine a few times.

Yes I have another speedster, I have just been very quiet due to the tendency of some to point bias towards a manufacturer. Facts are, one manfacturer made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
I just have one thing to say, I am glad that I'm not the only one... I had my Speedster in are big car show in Santa barbara, and a sweet little kid jumped in my car and pulled on the stick shift and took off the shifter knob! "Just like that" Bam! I think I needed to take a valume or something... Wow! rotnroby.


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  • santa barbara show
Hello Gene, and welcome to the club! This is a great group og folks here and I have learned quite a bit from them as well. Good for you on the VS.. I own one myself, just bought it here this past Feb 21st. (Not like I remember the day when I bought it!) and I LOVE it.. I did not get the pleasure of running up to Paso, but I was thniking of the group when they went.. Looking forward to seeing Kirks Pix of your NEW ride.. Oh yeah, the KIDS thing.. I have two of those too! I must put in my two cents worth as well. I absolutly beleive that kids MUST respect people and their personal belongings, I would not allow my kids to jump on anyone's ride either, but I am glad that you (Theron) allow the well mannered ones the pride in getting in your tub and turning the key.. Oh my....


Speedster "D"


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  • Picture 007
I have 2 kids (34 and 37) and I can tell you that mine were well behaved growing up because their parents parented. They knew if they misbehaved they would get a smack on the butt, not enough to physically harm them but enought to embarass them. Blame the parents, not the kids.
Of course you can't physically disipline your kids today in public without someone calling the cops and all bets are off when they reach 13, but you can teach them to behave and respect other's property.
Our two kids are 14 and 10. They are both pretty "active" kids (I think its genetic). But they do not touch other people's property. For all their energy, they are quite respectful.

We give friends and neighborhood kids spyder rides all the time. Figure its our way to get them car-hooked at an early age. angela
My experience with my kiddo, who is no kid anymore, suggests that a great deal of how well children respect boundaries is a function of how well the parent conveys the message to him or her. My method was using plenty of conversation, encouragement and sometimes a little force (as little as possible) to make the point stick. It seemed to work for us.

When you are at a car show and parents arrive with kids in tow, it is easy to spot the ones you will have to watch closely. There was one who showed up with his face all blue from some popsicle type thing he was sucking on, hands similarly stained and this was one that did not have the concept "look but don't touch" mastered. I saw the dad pull his sticky little fingers back at least three times from my shiney red paint. It was clear that this parent needed to spend more time working with this kid. As with anything, the problem is a matter of degree. At least nobody attempted to break or remove anything. That's good news!
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