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Two pieces of legislation have been introduced that would allow kit cars (replicas) to be titled and registered using the model year of the vehicle they most closely represent. They would then be exempt from annual inspection (even better than the Collector Car program which would remain in place). Both pieces of legislation are essentially identicle, based on a model written by SEMA.

Senate Bill 2074 was introduced (June 23,2008) by State Senators Paul Sarlo and Steven Oroho.

Assembly Bill 2836 was introduced (May 22, 2008) by Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk and Assemblyman Gary Chiusano.

I ask all NJ based car enthusiasts to contact each of the sponsors, and your own Senator and Assembly person; urging them to vote FOR these bills.

Visit for a listing of all Senetors and Assembly persons.
1957 Other/Unknown(Speedster)
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Two pieces of legislation have been introduced that would allow kit cars (replicas) to be titled and registered using the model year of the vehicle they most closely represent. They would then be exempt from annual inspection (even better than the Collector Car program which would remain in place). Both pieces of legislation are essentially identicle, based on a model written by SEMA.

Senate Bill 2074 was introduced (June 23,2008) by State Senators Paul Sarlo and Steven Oroho.

Assembly Bill 2836 was introduced (May 22, 2008) by Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk and Assemblyman Gary Chiusano.

I ask all NJ based car enthusiasts to contact each of the sponsors, and your own Senator and Assembly person; urging them to vote FOR these bills.

Visit for a listing of all Senetors and Assembly persons.
Factory Five has been pushing that around here, they got a couple of buyable pols to push it on Beacon Hill, and it's sitting on the Governor's desk right now.

The cops are against it supposedly because it makes get-away cars difficult to identify. They'll oppose it right up until the envelope arrives for the pension and widows fund, then they'll strong arm the Governor to sign it on.

Business as usual . . .
That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard all week.

The Massachusetts legislation is sponsored by SEMA, as it is in a bunch of other states, like new Jersey. Sure, Factory Five supports it, because it is in the best interest of it's customers. I've been working with Bob May at Factory Five since the last Carlisle show to help people in the Bay State register their cars both before and after the tenents of this law were put into effect (most of it is in effect already in an informal way) and it is WAY easier to get legally registered with this law in place.

The Massachusetts DMV, the various police Unions (both local and state level), ALL of the custom car clubs and a majority in the Massachusetts legislature ALL endorse this legislation as a means of bringing some common sense to BOTH the enthusiast's side of the equation as well as the side of the guys trying to enforce the laws governing custom built automobiles. This is a great step forward for our hobby in Massachusetts (and New Jersey, too). I've provided a write-up on this site a while ago on how to register your custom car in Massachusetts - go back and find's pretty straight-forward now and should get even easier when all of the DMV and other police are fully aware of the new laws.

I don't know what you've been (or have NOT been) reading lately, but this is a great step forward and doesn't need your BS holding it up.

what's wrong with you? We used to be Buddies, now you can't even tell when I'm posting a joke rant . . . shoot me an email or phone call and let's sort this out, OK ? ! ? ! ?

In case anyone REALLY believes that my two paragraph, two sentence post is going to effect the massive wheels of Massachusetts politics from turning. That a short post on a specialized forum is going to "halt this is a great step forward" that any amount of my BS is going to hold up ANYTHING . . .

You're ALL on the wrong brand weed.


Now, that said, I DO have some issues with Factory Five which spring from a conversation with one of their salesmen at The World of Wheels in Boston three years ago. His comments to me regarding the easy of registering and titling one of their "Cobras" were just lies. His optimistic suggestions that I could drive the car for a year without having to worry about emissions and by the time that they were a problem, the above legislation would be in place . . were also mostly lies. His assurances that I could get full coverage insurance from my regular carrier didn't seem to be the exact truth either.

Maybe it's the company and their enthusiasm, maybe he was just trying to put me in the seat of the car, maybe . . . who knows what, but I was surprised by the predatory nature of the sales people/representatives and haven't forgot about it.

Gordon's one of the good guys, a great guy when he isn't yelling at me, so the company MUST have come around. Regardless of that, you all must never take a politically themed post from me as serious in any way.

As eloquent as I can sometimes be, I just don't really care about such things and NEVER write about them in a serious fashion.

Take it all with a grain of Morton's . . . .
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