Bob, the brake light switch is threaded into the master brake cylinder, directly in front of the brake pedal on the other side of the footwell.
If you took off the driver's side front tire, it would bite you. There may be either one or two switches on your master cylinder, depending on whether or not you've got one of the sockets plugged, as I do (below).
The switch is a pressure switch, not a toggle or button, and its moving parts are internal (and low-bidder assembled). They go bad from time to time nowadays, and I've always been told to find and use the oldest ones that'll fit.
The switch will be about the size of a gumball, faceted on the sides for ease of wrenching, and will have electrical prongs and wires coming off the end facing away from the master cylinder.
If there are two switches on your model, take the wires off of the one they're on, and connect them to the like positions on the other switch. That may fix your problem.
Since the brake system is closed and hydraulic, I'd have your replacement switch in-hand before taking the dead one off ... or get'cher brake bleeder equipment out.