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I have a Facet elect fuel pump mounted under the fuel tank on the pan near the passanger front tire in my Vintage Speedster.  Its about 4 years old.  When I first turn my ignition on I've always noticed it make noise for the first 5 seconds or so then quite down before starting and when running.


However, lately I've notice it making one heck of a racket (almost like hammering) sparadically then it quiets quiet down (both before starting and when running).  Has anybody experienced this before? 


I am wondering whether this is a sign that he pump is on its last legs and ready to die, or possibly a symtom of something else, e.g., a plugged tank upstream or maybe an overly restrictive fuel regulator down stream.  The car seems to run fine other than the noisey fuel pump.


I am running a fuel regulator downstream to keep the pressure at about 1-1/2psis for dual Kadrons that I am running.


Any input would be appreciated.


Thanks, Grant

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Back in the late '90's we ran Facet fuel pumps with Soob engines in airplanes on a regular basis but we had two parallel pumps for redundancy. Wolf now says the Facet is not a high quality pump so maybe things have changed.


Grant, I have heard the noises that you report and from experience, I'd say the loud noise changing over to a lesser noise is just the normal sound of the pump loading up a bit of normal pressure after startup, but I've also heard that "heck of a racket" from the Fact pump in my Speedster and that prompted me to change out the pump.


Always trying to learn, some members on the list advised going to the more expensive rotary pump and I went with that....only to hear from another lister that they in fact may have to be changed out every few years and that with no indication of how many miles put on the car to prompt them to do so.


Laner....your car has a rotary pump and you put some miles on your car. Any advice or updates on fuel pump options ?

I had a Facet in Pearl for about two days.


Couldn't stand the "Clakidy - Clakidy" when it was running.  I suppose it can't be heard when the engine is running but was pretty annoying when first starting up.  Never heard that noise when I started my Ford truck and didn't want to hear it in my Speedster.


So, I swapped it out for a CB Rotary pump.  Mounted it by wrapping a piece of inner tube around it and then held it with a single, wide clamp (like a cable clamp) made of metal.  Didn't need a fuel regulator (I'm running Dells) and while it softly whines a bit, especially on startup, it makes a whole lot less noise than a Facet.  Been in there since 1998, now, with nary a hiccup.  


I suppose that when a pump's time is up and it quits, it doesn't matter if it is a Facet or a rotary from any maker - it just stops and that's it.  


So now I understand why airplanes don't have mufflers - it's to make enough noise to drown out those two facet fuel pumps going "Rattle, Rattle, Rattle!!!!"

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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