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Just wondering if there will be caravan from the Northeast. I'm not sure how many will be going from here, or going, for that matter.


I would like to be there mid afternoon with time to freshen up (and a beer) before dinner, but otherwise flexible. We'll be leaving from Western Mass. early AM and jumping on 84 West of Hartford. What happens after that is also flexible. Giddy-up.

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Of the people who have RSVPd so far, here are some possibilities:


Joel Abraham – New Jersey

Jeff Cahoon – Connecticut

Al Gallo – Massachusetts

Ron Fish – New York

Steve Hayward – New York

Rick Milczankowski – Connecticut

Paul Mossberg - Pennsylvania

Danny Piperato – New York

Craig Reddick – New Jersey


The following people haven't RSVPd yet but I suspect they will and might also be interested:


Carl Berry - Connecticut

Lenny Cuccureddu

Peter Venuti - Massachusetts

Max Zimmer - New Jersey







Anybody in Jersey will usually take I-80 or I-78 further south. They don't hit I-81 until very close to Carlisle.


Ron Fish comes straight south on I-81, he is closer to Syracuse.


Pretty sure Lenny and I are going to be a caravan of two this year. We will be leaving very early from my house. I want to get there early and have lots of time to relax this year. Then I get to watch YOU guys all roll in!


Al and Heidi, make sure you pick up Carl. He may leave at O-dark-thirty though.


Since Gordon has bowed out this year, it looks like it's just our Cape Cod friends, Peter, and Carl.

Danny, it makes a lot of sense to get a jump at 0-dark-thirty and get to the hotel to relax a little earlier. It's a waste of time for you and Lenny to wait around till 10 or 11 to get going and then stop again at noon for lunch for another 1/2 hour. 


We won't be dragging anything this year so we can make good time as well. We would be glad to meet up with anyone along the way if it fits their schedule. I think we still have all the cell phone and e-mail info from past trips so we should be good.


Carl, leave your phone on and bring the card. 



Barbara and I plan to leave North Jersey in our silver speedster on Thurs at 9am.We will take 80w to 287s to 78w. We will make a pit stop at the Easton toll plaza (nice rest area) at about 11am. One more  gas-lunch stop and on to 81w.Plan to arrive at the Marriot 1-2 pm. Anyone want to hookup ahead of time or on the road my cell is 201-739-4264. Carl-I will be carrying a spare fuel pump-what do you have for me?


Grace is finally registered Woohooo! Anne and I are planning on leaving Fairfield CT between 7-7:30 am on Thursday. We will take Merritt PkwyS to 87W and cross the Tappanzee. 87w to 287s to 78w. Would be excited and happy to caravan with people...newbie to Carlisle Event!


I see a few CT, NY and NJ folks going...maybe we can get organized!


917.450.5458 - Mel

Last edited by who8dapple

"Who" wrote (no, really.....Who did!):  "I see a few CT, NY and NJ folks going...maybe we can get organized!"


Wow.....That might be a first.  


We always seem to start off sort-of organized, but experience has shown that by the time we get to within 2-3 hours of the hotel everything goes to hell in a hand basket as we attempt to provide "on the road resuscitation" for someone in need.


The good news, is that it sometimes makes the trip more interesting and certainly gives everyone something to talk about over beer in the hotel parking lot.


Give Joel a call and ride along with him - it's pretty much the same route once you get on 78.  Then you guys can report on the construction along 78 - We drove that route for about 5 years and always saw construction going on for about 75% of the route - They MUST have finished it by now, right???  Chris Christie would make sure it's finished, right????


Let's see......we've had rags sucked into the fan inlet, diesel fuel (lots of it) pumped into a gas tank, a broken throttle cable, a rash of blown fuses (same car), a broken fuel pump, and a caravan leader who got lost and missed a pickup exit and rain.....sometime LOTS of rain.  And THAT's just for the NE Caravan!!  OH, and that year the caravan leader's diesel tow vehicle just simply died 1/2 mile from the hotel when leaving to go home.  We're still talking about that one......


But with all that, we never lost anyone, got everyone to the hotel after a fashion the same day and did parking lot repairs so they were on the road the next day for the cruises.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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