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I wanted to start a thread for 2016 to get a band of friends together again this year for the trip up to Carlisle on Thursday the 19th of May. Like last year we will pick up people along the way from N/C up through northern Va and up into Md and than on to Carlisle. 

We meet for lunch at the Red Robin in Germantown Md. between 12:00 and 12:30 at 20001 Century Blvd ( 301 528 0065 ).

I usually pick up a TDr buddy at my house and than head to Syl & Maggie place in Falls Church and head up toward Md. where we pick up Paul and Glen and others.

I know we have Pete and Scott in our area and maybe Todd and others. Please chime in if we are up for a cruise together up north to Carlisle.



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Pete is correct. Maggie and I will not be at Carlisle this year. I goofed up my scheduling early on by thinking that Carlisle was moving a week later on the calendar as it combined with the import show. I committed to an art show that weekend. We were looking forward to our 8th year at Carlisle and are more than bummed that we will be missing all of our speedster friends. I still have to cancel our hotel reservation.

Last edited by Syl Mathis - wide CMC - Falls Church, VA


Sorry to hear but have fun at your show. 

I still hope we can get together with Pete and Scott and Dean and anyone else that wants to join - thinking a cruise out to the mountains before it gets to hot.


It sounds like a plan - let me know when you find out.

If not to many decide to meet we might meet a little farther north in Frederick Md. as we might come up Rt 15 and not through DC - will that work for you? 15 is a nice drive and from south of DC is a nicer drive than through the city.

Update as people pop in. 


Other than a possible Paul and Glenn and maybe Cory and Ed it looks like the interest is a bit down this year.

In any event it looks like 3 of us from the south will bypass the DC area and come up Rt 15 through Frederick Md. and lunch there with the final leg from there up to Carlisle.

Any suggestions for a lunch location in Frederick along Rt 15 would be welcome. I will post the location in the next week for any that want to meet. Looking forward to the long weekend.


That sound good. Looking forward to seeing you guys. I think the party will he a little smaller this year  but still a good time.

I believe Ed and Jack will be meeting us and hopefully maybe Cory and Todd?

If anyone else is meeting us please let me know.  If you don't have my cell  number PM me and I can provide. 


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