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Ok guys, here's a weird one for you.  For some time I have had an odd, very repeatable stumble when making a U-turn to get into my bank, usually on the way to Cars & Coffee.  This is on a divided roadway and I make the U-turn to go back to the entrance.  When I accelerate out of the turn, the car always stumbles at that same spot of road, no matter how well it is running otherwise.  I've started paying closer attention and noticed a few minor stumbles on other left turns - but never when turning right.  I suppose it is possible that there is something in the tank that blocks fuel flow, but I have a hard time envisioning something that would only affect left turns.  Any ideas?

Formerly 2006 Beck Speedster (Carlisle build car), 1964 Beck Super Coupe

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SWAG # 1.....   It might be a float level / needle valve problem on one carb....   I chased a fuel feed problem on the side of the deserted road, that turned out to be a needle valve assembly (Holley carb) had come loose and was dropping slowly into the float bowl there by cutting off fuel flow as the float tried to maintain its proper level....   Just a thought...

Hope you get it figured out, Lane. While waiting for your report, I just had another flashback to that old '57 Dodge Mayfair my Father handed down to my older Brother who wrecked it and I adopted it. Way off topic here but maybe good for amusement. Back in the '60's the drinking age in Ontario, Canada was 21 but 40 minutes away in Up State NY it was 18. On a good summer Saturday night we'd get three or four carloads of guys heading down to Masena, NY direct to the Willow Grove. Live music, plenty of girls and they didn't check too hard for ID. Some of us were under 18 anyway. Ever since the old Dodge got wrecked, it had a bad habit of turning it's headlights off...just once about 30 minutes after they were lit. Very predictable though and we'd wait for it, even joking and taking bets when it would happen. And happen it would. I'd immediately turn on the right turn signal so as to see the side of the road and pull over safely. The cure was to get out, raise the hood and slam the bugger back down. On went the lights for the rest of the trip. Back home we tried many times to trace the problem but to no avail. Man...we could dance pretty good back then too. When the band took a break we'd go across the street to Tex Montana's Diamond Horseshoe and check out the action. Old Harleys everywhere too. That would have been in the late '60's. Sorry for off topic drivel...

Since we're drifting (and I'm king of the drifters), one of my high school buddies had a '63 Vw sedan.  Good car, but every so often when driving, the radio would just quit.  The only way he ever found to turn it back on was to turn on the headlights and the wipers at the same time.  That would do it.  Never knew why.


On my F250 pickup with climate control, every so often on start-up and un-repeatably, the climate control will go totally dead.  No lights, no blower, no nothing. Unexpectedly, I found that turning the automatic headlights from "Auto" to "Headlights On" and back to "Auto", just once, resets the climate control and everything is fine.  I also later read about this "cure" on an F250 forum, so it is more public knowledge.  No one knows why this works, and no one (that I've heard of) has been able to get it to repeat at a dealer to get the software fixed, so no "Tech Bulletin" yet.  It's been this way for 7 years....

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