I've used a PC680 on a 2,110 at 8.6 compression ratio for over ten years with absolutely zero issues.
I would check and clean all of your ground cables (battery to chassis, chassis to transaxle, transaxle to engine ground braid (if you have one) as well as both ends of the +12 volt cable (battery end, starter solenoid end) so that they're all bright and clean and firmly torqued down. The other place to look at is both ends of the starter circuit (fuse panel to ignition switch, then starter switch to the solenoid). Another thing to consider is the voltage drop along the wire between the starter switch and the solenoid - using too small a wire for the current or high resistance connections can starve the solenoid of power of engagement power making it weak.
Lastly, your alternator might not be charging adequately so you can check the voltage at idle and at, say, 3,000 RPM to see if it is up to snuff.
If that doesn't make it better then you can begin to look at the solenoid or starter, but those failing is rarely the case.