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I am very risk tolerant, for myself.  I've rode motorcycles, raced a drag car, jumped out of airplanes, but for others entrusted to my care,  I tend to be much more cautious.

We all saw what happened to Lane's face in a relatively minor fender bender.

Lane's own words.

"My car originally came with three-point belts, but they were constantly pulling down on my shoulder and uncomfortable, not to mention unsafe in a crash.  I went to racing lap belts which were much more comfortable, but my accident reinforced the lack of wisdom there.  I, uh, recontoured the steering wheel with my face - did neither of them any favors.  You have to decide the level of risk you're willing to accept."

I feel you, Rick- but we're madmen out here -- horseradish sauce on french-fries crazy.

I never thought I'd run into somebody as risk-tolerant as me until these kids' mom came into the world, and then her 3 (!) sons about 24- 30 years later. They live in Denver, and are fun enough that I'm hoping we can spend a couple of summers together, blowing stuff up and crashing dirtbikes, etc. Her kids are my spirit animals (and I do mean little animals). I pray for their protection every single day. I suspect if they make it to 60, they'll be as busted up as I am.

A ride in the clown car is the least of their concerns.

Thank you all for these nice comments 🙏

As you can imagine it was a pleasure to drive the car during all the week-end.

I have finished the inspection cover and the carpet which was missing on the tunnel. In the middle the seat rails are fixed on top of the tunnel


Another detail is the jack point, which is operational to lift the car using a vw jack (not a Porsche one which has a specific angle), and the car is correctly balanced to change the front or rear wheel using this jack point.


Rubber mats and carpets.

With the new wiring harness, the underdash is completely clean 👌


And door garnish are installed



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I thought that just YOU, Stan, were a "Wild and Crazy Guy" but I see that the craziness continues down the family tree and that is fantastic! 

I look back on my Great Grandfather's family and see a bunch of pretty weird people, whom I actually remember, and, thankfully, they have passed their weirdness along to me and from me to my grandkids.  We have everything in this family from Abolitionists (US Senator Charles Sumner) to Bohemians (my aunt Thelia, who married my God Father and made him respectable but never let him get away with it) to just people living their lives in quiet bliss.

It's heart warming to see a family experiencing life as it was meant to be lived.....

Now, Load up the limo with kids and head out to the best Ice Cream Place around!

Make the most of these "Summah Scorchahs", Stan!  (and stay off ladders for a while).

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