Jerome and Stan:
First Stan, I had it built by a local with a great rep and a good machine shop. He's had three cover cars on Trends and Hot VWs. Thank you for the complement. If I were going bigger CC I would get Jake's 2017 or Down's 2110 built with the best. Anyway, our approach on this engine (1776) was to build it correctly using tried and true formulas, but also ensured that ALL the parts and case were the best quality and everything was done in balance. It really has turned out to be a great engine for everyday use. I have had minimal tweeks to do, and it has been absolutely 100% reliable, day in, day out. Sounds great and gives all the performance one would expect out of a well built 1776. Now, in my heart of hearts I want that 2017 from Raby's. If I can get it all together soon I will go that way, expecting the same reliability with an added 30-40 HP! Now, the CB kit! Write me at give me an address and I will pack it up in two weeks and send it. Will be at our lake place til then. I'd love for you to have it, as it is a very nice system for the them a grown up look, and the linkage is good too.
Jerome. First, let me pass kudos on your car. Been following your posts and love the energy you are putting into it. ER Kit? Well, I have this kit for long hauls, but ended up carrying it full time: (BTW, drove it to Colorado and back two weeks ago.... zero problems)
1. Thermostat
2. All Basic Open/box ends.5 Basic Sockets and a mini ratchet. Mini-Cresent, screwdrivers, allen wrenches, pliers, etc... only in the sizes routinely used. Electrical tape, Locktite, WD-40, Duct tape, Carb cleaner and Can of Ether.
3. Belt, and extra shims (just in case I lose one)
4. 009 Distributor with points in and set, blue coil
5. Cable ends/stops.
6. Clutch cable.
7. Two long 7mm wires and ends,
8, Roll of electrical wire.
9. Flashlight
10 Scissor Jack and folding lug wrench under my spare. Small Hyd jack and 2 ea 2x4x6 for platforms.
11. fuses
12. spare bulbs.
13, cables
14 2 long reach plugs
15. Manual.
16. small guage safety wire.
17 Oil
Ok, this all sounds like alot... and it is, haha. But I just use a pair of old Medic Bags, one for tools, the other parts. They take up zero space if laid on the edge of each side of the lid. For long trips or car shows I add a detail suitcase... a small old beat up traveler with tourist stickers.
There's probably more in the bags,,, but that's what I recall now. Is it overkill? Yes. I plan on using a cell phone when in trouble, But you know, I've blown a belt once... and lost a throttle cable end & having my ER kit just made these things a breeze to deal with. I like to take my car on long solo cruises and so that, with a 44 Super Blackhawk makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
(Message Edited 8/12/2003 11:22:14 PM)