Don't know what you had in there before, but 20wt oil is too thin for an aircooled engine and would make your oil pressure drop right there.
I'm assuming that you folks in El Paso are in the middle of the heat wave that hasn't found its way to New England yet (will we EVER get to Summer????????) If it's getting up over 75 F on a regular basis (and especially if it's getting up into the "Summer 90's+"), I would do an oil change and put in 20W-50 wt. or even a straight-grade 50 wt. detergent oil. That, alone, should boost your pressure quite a bit over the 20wt. you've been trying (and make it run a bit cooler to boot).
There are only a few things that can affect the oil pressure in a VW engine:
1. Excessive clearances on the bearings of the crankshaft or cam due to lots of miles and wear (80,000+ miles on a 1,600 cc engine)
2. Oil too thin or engine operating temperature too high (200 is nice, 220 is getting hot and 230+ you should pull over and let it cool off)
3. Oil Pressure Relief Valve worn or contaminated - these are not adjustable and, to tell the truth, I've never seen an internal one screw up, but if it got some crud in it it might cause a loss of oil pressure, but that would be a pretty constant, very low pressure level, and that's NOT what you seem to have, so I would rule that one out.
Occasionally, I've seen the oil pressure sender (bottom left of the generator mount) spring a leak and cause the pressure to drop, but at the same time it sprays oil all over everything - pretty dramatic and can't be missed.
Anyway, run thicker oil and report back.......
One of the "Speedstah Guys" from Rhode Island