Gerd was seen begging for...
for approval to be a Boy Scout leader....
...batteries for his pump so that...
Former Member he could take his computer off of CAPS LOCK, not to mention...
Former Member
fix the plumbing for the next SOC Meeting.
This meeting culminated in the final Intervention for Alan's Speedster building addiction (see pic, featuring the new post-op Kelly McGillis).
Alan is now fully cured & opening a plumbing business/Segway Replica shop in Newark.
The End (?)
This meeting culminated in the final Intervention for Alan's Speedster building addiction (see pic, featuring the new post-op Kelly McGillis).
Alan is now fully cured & opening a plumbing business/Segway Replica shop in Newark.
The End (?)
In the meantime the 4 gay guys in the picture all got together afterwards and....
...played a rousing game of 'Cornhole'...
demonstrating for all present how large their...
shower heads are, which buy the time they had dried -off allowed all of them to
Have a towel fight, running around naked, until they got caught by..
A WalMart Greeter who....
Former Member
Who denied them all entrance to the fresh food section because ....
an obvious concern for contamination by...
GERD's obsession with cucumbers. he also..
was also seen eyeing up Cumquats..... over in isle 69
so he grabbed two of them and ran into the
.......electronics/media sales area,where he grabbed a sweet little old...........
donkey who was resting on top of...
Marko's, and had his tongue up....
Former Member
... no, correct that, ... he had his tongue DOWN a .....
bottle of "vintage BP" freshly shipped in from a connection in the South. As it rolled off it...
Former Member
it wound up in the suitcase of a visiting Jack Crosby, on his way to
.... chair the Iron Ass Convention where from the podium, he drooled over the young....
Gerd, sitting next to him drinking some...
Toddy, a chocolate milk-flavored concoction that tastes like...
Former Member
something you wouldn't force-feed an enemy strapped to a waterboard.
Jack, undeterred,
Jack, undeterred,
...unbuttoned his Sportcoat and proudly displayed his...
Mister T necklace with the heavy gold and platinum Iron Ass emblem attached. GERD responded with his Auto Club of SoCal....
200 mile free tow card, and said "see if that Mr T neckless can get you out of trouble, old man"..He then sashayed off into the...
Former Member
basket of an already-wound trebouchet, which promptly flung him
down into a satin-lined boudoir planted thickly with tender, moist young...
chicken wings that he......
duct taped to his