While doing some spring cleaning I ran across some old CDs with pictures of Carlisle '04. '05, and '06, as well as all the detailed pictures from the build of my car. Since I didn't attend '04, and had no camera or '05 and '06, these pictures were taken by others and sent to me. Below are a few of interest from '04. If any of you think you may want some pictures from that era, please let me know. Also, I'll try to remember to bring these CDs to Carlisle '13.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Well crap. I've tried to upload some from '05, but the system will not post them. I'll try again in a few minutes.
Ahhh, the invention of the all-important blue tape rain deterrent. Should have patented it.
And a few from '06, a very good year for me.
Below is the ever elusive Joe Soltis and his (very) mean machine. Proof he does exist.
Below is when Danny's car was silver and he had hair.
Below: Before the merger. It's never been that clean since.
Below: The Evil Gordon attacking my car with a Dremel. AAAAIIIIEEEE!!!!!!!
Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!
And there it is, the inaugural SEG.
How do ya start this blamed thang?
Maiden voyage!
I remember walking into the Pavilion on Friday, seeing Lane's car up on stands with the engine and tranny on a pallett nearby and wondering if we all really could pull off building a car in a couple of days, especially with a bunch of people who might not have built one before (or with guys like "Biggs", for whom an oil change is a challenge). What we ended up with was a group of people with LOTS of enthusiasm and (surprisingly) LOTS of talent who actually did build a car in 16 hours and it came out pretty damn good! We found meaningful jobs for everyone nd every talent and all of the "builders" went away knowing that they truly contributed to building that car and THAT's what that effort was all about.
I'll never forget some old guy leaning over the fence at the build and asking Chris "How many of these have you all built?" And Chris answering "None! This is our first one!"
You know.......Going to Carlisle has been one hell of a lot of fun, over the years!!
Thanks for the Pics (and the memories), Lane!
(and I think one of those pics was from '03 with Wild Bill the only guy who showed up!)
Could be, Gordon. I think you sent these to me. Sure am glad I found 'em.
Great pics guys!
And Lane provided proof my TD does exist! That's her nose overseeing Lane's maiden drive! Looking forward to driving her back this year!
Awesome post, Lane. I wish I couldda been there for your car's build. Totally would've monkey-wrenched it.
We all looked a lot younger back then! Thanks for posting all those Lane. I remember seeing the shot of Bruce wringing out that rag/chamois before. I ended up doing the same on my inaugural trip in the rain in '06.
Can't wait to make new memories this year. Plus, my brother is actually bringing his car!
Just wondering, are Bill Drayer and I the only owners who attended Carlisle all 10 years?
Here's the video from SOC @ Carlisle 2010...
Bruce, Who owned that Robin's Egg Blue speedster with the Twin engine lid grills??
Is he still active? PM me on how he can be reached...Thanks
Thanks for those shots, Bruce. I see I still haven't lost that weight I was going to lose, and it's nice to see the old Red Rooster once again.
Also, I think George Brown's car is in one of those shots.
Great times with more to follow...we are pumped !
The robin's egg blue Speedster was owned by Barry Fuchs from Richmond, Virginia. He was very helpful with the 2004 event by creating and maintaining a website that hyped the Meet. After that I lost total contact with him and never saw the car again. Nice car, I'd be curious to know if anyone knows Barry and if they have seen the car or know where it is.
Bruce wrote:
Just wondering, are Bill Drayer and I the only owners who attended Carlisle all 10 years?
I too have been there all ten with '05 just on Sunday and last year Thursday @ the hotel so does the hotel drop by officially count as "Carlisle"?
Alan, if you need confirmation to maintain an unbroken record I can attest that you were there last year!!
My first year there was when Lane's car was being built - leaned over the fence a few times that day. I had always wanted a speedster since I requested information from CMC about 79 or 80? Anyway - after that day I started looking again - found a basket case and hopefully will beat Greg ( Wolfgang ) to completing mine, but now that he is retired all bets are off. Until then I will continue coming w/ my TD buddies.
Alan, you were there the whole time in '05 as I rode with you on Friday. It was '06 when you were unfortunately absent except for Friday. I remember giving you the tour of the car before I headed to the airport.
If you'll unload that neat scissor lift to me I'll swear to heaven that you were there all three days last year...though somewhat reserved and quiet, so perhaps everyone didn't notice your presence.
I think that's Gordon's motorcycle lift. The used it to install my engine.
Thanks for those two shots of GB's car, Bruce.
I certainly miss the cantankerous old bugger.
Yup, George was one righteous dude. Wicked tall, too. They grow 'em big in Texas!
It's always nice to see my "Carlisle Brother", Bill Drayer each year so we can re-do that first picture together!
I remember that my son, Chris, and Bill Drayer had the task of installing the engine in Lane's car. Things were going well until they actually tried to get it to seat against the tranny and something was holding it away. Turned out to be the fiberglass firewall touching the bellhousing flange on the engine, so Chris made a quick Sharpie line for clearance and then free-handed a curved cut with a high-speed rasp in a Dremel tool. Zip-Zap, and that engine slipped right in. A couple of old guys applauded at that one.
But I'll never forget the ride back from the Motorsport Museum in the downpour. Or the ride to the Harley Davidson plant tour in a downpour, or arriving back home three years in a row in a downpour, or following Chris driving Tom DeWalt's speedster in a downpour, and...........
I also remember one other year when Chris and I had been through the entire weekend and were about an hour from returning home when he said: " Something's very wrong...."
"WHAT??" I asked...
"Well, we've been gone the whole weekend and it hasn't rained. You sure we went to Carlisle and not someplace else??"
..and IF it rains this year.... it's YOUR fault for bringing it up!
Maybe the time it did not rain was the time the PowerStroke lost its will to drive in the middle of one the busiest intersections in PA, and needed a little push. Turned out it got a little pull from a rather little (but very sturdily built) car.
I want to know about the pink (or is it coral??) Speedster in the early shots. Wassup w/ that? A Mary Kay associate??
You mean, this guy?
And I have an answer to the "Rain" thing, too:
Think of it as "Blue Painter's Tape" on Steroids........
That're right, you did make a brief showing on Thursday last year.
Alan, extenuating circumstances? That's what I'm calling last year!
Dale, '06 was my first year as well. Woulda made '05 if I had tags on the car.
P.S. RE: WAY above, my honorary brother is Paul, my dad is Lane!
Nice Melon! Looks like this one was squeezed once to often.
I love the picture of "Commander Beefheart" a couple of pics further up.
In '07 - We got rowdier as we went along:
Well......Most of us:
Some of us tapped into "inner strength":
or our "inner kid":
While some of us just had a quiet moment or two:
Or with a few friends:
Poke around in the thumbnails or pop up a level for several more years on this site.
Nice Melon! Looks like this one was squeezed once to often.
My ginormous noggin has in fact been squeezed too many times!
I love that shot of the front of the cars. Just goes to show how many variations you can do with a replica vs a real 356...pureist cars are a little boring IMHO...very cool shot. that needs to be on a poster.
Front shots?
We've got lots:
Or how about a rear shot?
Or one from '05:
a little sogginess:
Routine Maintenance:
Bruce and his Junior Crew Chief:
And the reason I bought a Stay Fast Top: