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crhemi (Bill) posted:

He sure butchered that windshield job...

This cannot possibly be true.

George posted here (at length) how his way with the windshield was the one true path. Sharing his method was his way of giving back to help the little people. It was only his desire to help we handicapped that kept him here for the short time we enjoyed basking in his greatness.

The first and last of these look like perfect raw material for Alan -- he could make these into something special, probably.  Except for the price, I'd suppose.  The beachy one w/ off set stripe looks like a real clean deal, except of course the stripes.  Will assume that could be fixed.  On George's car, what are all those red dealy-wops all over the place in the engine compartment??  funky . . .

What's up fellas? The striped beast is mine. The car sat for some years outside in the weather not running. There would be a significant stripe in the paint if I were to remove it. I get a lot of interest around here (Virginia), but no one ever follows through. I am glad yall think it is priced reasonable, I’ll actually go a little lower if needed. I love the car and it is perfect mechanically. I am a VW fanatic at heart and I am trying to get back into a beetle.

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