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Jack is right. I have really benefitted from this site over the last 3 years. I, like you, was looking for the right builder but for a Speedster, and got tremendous help from the people here.

In my case I bought a used Speedster and my decisions at that time and since as to purchase, modifications and changes have all been driven by help from people on this forum.

Stick around and you won't regret it.



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Something to seriously consider is the distance you live from the builder.

We've seen cars delivered with "teething problems" from all of the builders. We've also seen again and again, on here, that Vintage, Intermeccanica, SAS, Dr. Clock and Beck (and, sometimes, their suppliers) all become proactive after delivery and make everything right to the customer's satisfaction - these builders own their problems and we've all seen them step up without accusations and get things fixed (sometimes forfeiting any profit from the deal in the process, but still making it right for the customer).

For the rest of the builders out there, caveat emptor, but especially if you live a great distance from your chosen builder. You cannot easily drop in during the build/rebuild process to make sure things are going the way you want them so it may be delivered with "problems" because of mis-communications. Getting anything changed/fixed once the car is delivered can be a major pain in the butt. Shipping the car across country is expensive and time-consuming and finding competent people to work on your car to fix problems locally is sometimes almost impossible.

Just something else to think about while you're deciding on your 718 source.
The problem is that in most situations we really don't get to log the test miles ( Henry does though ) we would like to hence the teething problems arise...
lI did a have a new motor go south shortly after I delivered Al Shapiro's newly built speedster to him some years back, however my motor supplier did step up and make it right in a timely manner.
No folks I am "not up there" with the real builders, I wrench and build for a hobby and a few spare schillings for beer and the like..but that was way cool Gordon, thanks !
To Tom McBurnie

Just for my own curiosity -- how many of your 718s are running around out there?

Different subject and just a suggestion: why not privately supply Matt a customer list of just 718 owners only so he can simply contact them and get the only real opinion that counts?

Mango, thanks for sharing the links to the CNC router.... while I have to commend his efforts, and certainly his resulting car, he took the very hard route on building the CNC router and his use of it. I could not hope to duplicate his work with the software, so I am not really trying to be critical....but....I build a CNC router 20 years ago out of junk and surplus parts that ran at as much as 60 ipm when cutting Styrofoam. I also used a true el-cheapo 2 hp router, running about 35,000rpm, with single flute carbide cutter, to do work much like is being done for these car templates.

What's the point? Just that this work could have been done much faster (and overall chaper)had he spent just a few dollars in the right areas, namely better drivers, better rails, better cutting tooling/motor....ingenuity is commendable, but sometimes it is more costly than paying the piper to do it a bit more conventionally
Kevin-all right already. This shit really gets old. We are all grown men here-and with our own due diligence WE can make up our own minds about these products. We've heard all there is to hear about various vendors and their weak points and strong points. I really didn't want to involve myself with this thread, but all this amounts to is a PERSONAL pissing contest, and you are really showing a lack of maturity. Give it a rest or go duke it out with your nemesis directly. All you're doing is dragging down this forum.
My intention is to start a killer replica collection...

I currently have a beautiful '32 Ford HighBoy "replica" and plan on adding the RSK and a 550s to the list in the next year or so... Maybe a 904 as well... WIll do the 356 eventually also probably.

Also want to get a Cobra Daytona replica.

I owned a Backdraft racing Cobra for a while and loved it... I just couldn't get past the side pipes. Just SO loud.... So I might go for a Cobra 289 replica. I know the Daytona has side pipes, but it's a DAYTONA!!!!! drool drool!!!

FInally, here's the last one I'll add:

it just doesn't get more beautiful then that.

of course, by then my wife will have divorced me and I'll be alone, living in a 10 car garage. Smelling like gasoline.....

oh yeah!!!!
Mattnshilp wrote

"of course, by then my wife will have divorced me and I'll be alone, living in a 10 car garage. Smelling like gasoline..... "

there are worse fates :-)

married for better or worse? a least I have the cat for company in the garage(not a 10 car garage)... he doesnt like sharing his food and water dishes tho....

Aston Martin is beautiful!!!
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