I have a 1835 engine with a breakerless electronic ignition system made by Universal Corp. It uses a photo optic sensor to detect the cam lobes (which are painted flat black leaving shiny flats)and has a finned aluminum amplifier box that mounts on the firewall. I have a Bosch blue coil and Bosch W8AC plugs . This is not a CDI system. The vendor says that this system does not significantly alter the voltage, only the dwell time. I had really black sooty plugs. During a period of trouble shooting, I increased the plug gap from stock .026 to .046, thinking that a larger gap would provide a greater spark profile. Changing the gap did not seem to make any difference in how the engine ran or the plugs looked. I finally found issues with my carbs and have since got them running fine. The plugs have gone from black to off white in about 15 miles of driving. The question is should I go back to the .028 gap? Can someone give me a lesson on plug gap selection?
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