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We’ve discovered a coffee shop that has become our new favorite one.

We found it cruising around in the Speedster. And, as it turns out, it’s a coffee shop we could have found only by cruising around in the Speedster.

Granted, the menu is kind of limited. They don’t have Caramel Pumpkin Frappuccinos, or any Frappuccinos for that matter. Actually, they don’t have coffee, either.

Which is OK with me, really, as I’ve gotten kind of fussy about coffee in recent years and would rather just brew up my own. It would take too long to explain to the barista just what I want and they wouldn’t get it right anyway because, for me, good coffee is more about the coffee you start out with than about any other stuff you might pour or swirl or drizzle into it.

So, I just brew up a thermos of coffee the way I like, throw it in the Speedy with some pastries, drive down a few country roads about 20 miles to this nice spot, and we have our coffee right there, in the Speedy.

What we like about this new coffee shop is the lack of music. Once you turn off the Speedy, there’s no music. There’s almost nothing to hear at all. And we didn’t realize how rare that is today. For ten or fifteen minutes at a time, or as long as we want to linger, there is complete silence. And it turns out that silence can be a perfectly good thing to have with your coffee.

After a while, we will usually break the silence with some conversation, but it’s a nice change breaking some silence with conversation rather than having your conversation broken with so many other things that aren’t silence.

We can always get seats by the windshield, and there’s a great view. That’s it there, in the photo.

Now OK, I get it, there are places where views like that one are commonplace, and you might want to drive for hours or days to find something more interesting to look at. But, around here, it’s getting harder and harder to look out your window or your windshield and not see lots of stuff. Houses, highways, gas stations, shopping malls, parking lots, and even coffee shops. Have you ever noticed just how much of our landscape is taken up by coffee shops? And did you know that you can drink coffee while not in your house and without being in a coffee shop?

I had forgotten and it’s something the Speedy has helped me rediscover.

Over the past ten years, this stupid, slow car has helped me discover a lot of things I had forgotten about.



Images (1)
  • SpeedyCoffeeShop02
Last edited by Sacto Mitch
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